Had a similar problem a couple of months ago. Following the instructions on MagicMirror Wiki page, I enabled the Full KMS OpenGL driver instead of using the fake one. As my setup is vertically mounted, I used xrandr to rotate the display.
Finally, installed a cooling fan on Raspberry Pi. No problem since then.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Best posts made by hrjmsh
RE: Strange Glitching on HDMI
RE: Magic Mirror Blanks Several Hours
@striiker I am having the exact same problem. Screen goes black every 6-8 hours with just the pointer showing. I have to reload/restart the Magic Mirror then. This started to happen after upgrade to version 2.4.0
I have upgraded to 2.5.0 but the issue remains the same.
I am still trying to figure out the solution; just wanted to share with you that you are not the only one facing this problem!
Latest posts made by hrjmsh
RE: module unable to play mp3 file using omxplayer
Thank you for the suggestion. I have installed the MPlayer and your module. The mp3 file didn’t play from the Prayer module. In my original post, I mentioned a line in the module’s node.helper.js file that goes like this:var adzanCmd = ‘/usr/bin/omxplayer -o both modules/MMM-PrayerTime/res/’ + adzanSound + ’ &';
I guess I need to direct the module to MPlayer instead of omxplayer.
Could you confirm if that is correct? Thank you once again. -
module unable to play mp3 file using omxplayer
I use a module MMM-PrayerTime on my MagicMirror, that uses omxplayer to play an mp3 file, announcing the prayer times.
After updating to the latest Raspbian OS system (Bookworm) and reinstalling the MagicMirror, the module no longer plays the mp3 file as omxplayer which is a dependency for the module, has been deprecated since 2020.
Is there any other player that could be substituted for omxplayer? Would it be possible to change the instruction in node.helper.js in the line where omxplayer is instructed to play the file, to some other player?
var adzanCmd = ‘/usr/bin/omxplayer -o both modules/MMM-PrayerTime/res/’ + adzanSound + ’ &';
I have raised this as an issue on the module site but have not received any response yet.
Thank you in advance -
RE: After update 2.23.0 crash
@sdetweil I did, both with and without changes applied. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me. The only thing that worked was the solution you provided by removing the node_modules and then reinstalling npm.
RE: After update 2.23.0 crash
@sdetweil Thank you very much. Had the same error (cannot find module envsub) on updating the MagicMirror to the new version and this step (rm -rf node_modules and then npm install again) solved the issue for me.
RE: Magic Mirror Blanks Several Hours
@striiker I am having the exact same problem. Screen goes black every 6-8 hours with just the pointer showing. I have to reload/restart the Magic Mirror then. This started to happen after upgrade to version 2.4.0
I have upgraded to 2.5.0 but the issue remains the same.
I am still trying to figure out the solution; just wanted to share with you that you are not the only one facing this problem! -
RE: Strange Glitching on HDMI
Had a similar problem a couple of months ago. Following the instructions on MagicMirror Wiki page, I enabled the Full KMS OpenGL driver instead of using the fake one. As my setup is vertically mounted, I used xrandr to rotate the display.
Finally, installed a cooling fan on Raspberry Pi. No problem since then. -
Magic Mirror not starting after upgrade on Raspberry Pi2
I upgraded MM today to version 2.4.1 on my raspberry Pi 2. I did the npm install but now getting the following error:
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ ‘/usr/bin/nodejs’, ‘/usr/bin/npm’, ‘start’ ]
2 info using npm@1.4.21
3 info using node@v4.8.2
4 verbose run-script [ ‘prestart’, ‘start’, ‘poststart’ ]
5 info prestart magicmirror@2.4.1
6 info start magicmirror@2.4.1
7 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
8 info magicmirror@2.4.1 Failed to exec start script
9 error magicmirror@2.4.1 start:sh run-start.sh
9 error Exit status 127
10 error Failed at the magicmirror@2.4.1 start script.
10 error This is most likely a problem with the magicmirror package,
10 error not with npm itself.
10 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
10 error sh run-start.sh
10 error You can get their info via:
10 error npm owner ls magicmirror
10 error There is likely additional logging output above.
11 error System Linux 4.14.52-v7+
12 error command “/usr/bin/nodejs” “/usr/bin/npm” “start”
13 error cwd /home/pi/MagicMirror
14 error node -v v4.8.2
15 error npm -v 1.4.21
16 error code ELIFECYCLE
17 verbose exit [ 1, true ] -
RE: Google assistant on magicmirror
@gauravsacc Great, thanks. All working fine.
It might be a good idea to include that information in your module page at the end of instructions. It would help a lot to a novice and inexperienced like me! -
RE: Google assistant on magicmirror
@gauravsacc First, many thanks for such an excellent effort. Unfortunately, despite having the latest and updated module version, I am having the same ‘no start’ issue in Magic Mirror as others have mentioned. I can start ‘assistant.py’ under “source env/bin/activate” and it works absolutely fine while staying in the terminal. But once in Magic Mirror, the google assistant remains unresponsive. Does ‘assistant.py’ needs to run as a script in the background at startup or is there anything else I am missing?