Hello everyone,
First of all, thanks to everyone that has written modules for this project as well as the original creator of the magicmirror. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.
But, I’m having some trouble getting Alexa working on my magic mirror. Here is what I have:
- I have installed MMM-AlexaPi and MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall as well as followed the instructions for MirrorMirrorOnTheWallSkill
- AlexaPi is running and responds to “Alexa” and even answers basic questions.
- The microphone icon shows on my magic mirror and changes its display when I say “Alexa” and it responds
- I have a working config.yaml from the AlexaPi setup and use “magicmirror” as the device
- When I log into my amazon developer console through any browser to test the Alexa skills, I can type something like “show me pictures of dogs” and I get images of dogs on my magic mirror display with the word “dogs” right underneath the photos
So, my issue is that everything appears to be working, on its own, but Alexa is not truly integrated with my magic mirror because I can’t simply say “Alexa, show me pictures of dogs”. When I do, it responds with something like “I don’t know that one”.
Here are a few pieces of info that might help someone point me in the right direction (with appropriated info redacted):
# See https://github.com/alexa-pi/AlexaPi/wiki/Audio-setup-&-debugging
# to get a better idea of how to set things in here
# Level of log output
# default: INFO
# set to DEBUG for verbose logging
logging: DEBUG
# Name of your microphone device: "magicmirror"
# leave empty for default
input_device: "USB PnP Sound Device: Audio (plughw:1,0)"
# input_device: "magicmirror"
playback_handler: "vlc"
# you can go here with alsa, pulse or others
# keep blank for the best audio output selected by the underlying code
output: "pulse"
# output device: "pulse"
# currently supports ALSA only
output_device: "magicmirror"
# if left empty, won't be passed to the underlying library / command if it supports it
# if it doesn't 100% will be used
default_volume: 80
# Means the same as above, but is used for media (playing music for example)
# Leave blank to use the same setting as for speech content
# Some device: "magicmirror"
# value is the number of seconds of silence to pad the beginning and end of the audio. Only
# the sox handler supports this configuration option.
playback_padding: 0
# Amazon Alexa settings
Client_ID: "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1234"
Client_Secret: "1234"
Device_Type_ID: "MagicMirror2"
Security_Profile_Description: "someprofile"
Security_Profile_ID: "amzn1.application.1234"
refresh_token: "Atzr|1234"
# See https://github.com/alexa-pi/AlexaPi/wiki/Triggers for the description of these options
enabled: true
voice_confirm: false
# one of: oneshot-vad, continuous, continuous-vad
event_type: "oneshot-vad"
# only for "continuous" event_types
# system command to run after pressing the button for _duration_ number of seconds
# empty to disable
command: ""
# duration in seconds
duration: 10
# optional audio file to play before executing the command
# you might wanna use full path to make sure AlexaPi finds it
# you can use {resources_path} for the path to the AlexaPi "resources" directory
audio_file: ""
enabled: true
voice_confirm: true
phrase: "alexa"
threshold: 1e-10
# Commands to run before and after an interaction begins. Leave empty to disable.
# Example used to lower shairport-sync volume during interaction with alexa
# startup: "amixer set shairportvolume 100%"
# pre_interaction: "amixer set shairportvolume 10%-""
# post_interaction: "amixer set shairportvolume 10%+""
# Note this assumes you have redirected shairport-syncs audio to a seperate softdevice
# with control "shairportvolume". Example asound.conf avalible in the scripts folder
# Command to run at the start of AlexaPi
startup: ""
# Command to run after a trigger is detected but before an interaction begins
pre_interaction: ""
# Command to run after the interaction has completed
post_interaction: ""
# Command to run during a clean shutdown of AlexaPi
shutdown: ""
# Name of your platform, e.g. raspberrypi, orangepi, desktop
device: "magicmirror"
# common config for all platforms (if they support the options)
# can be overriden in the the respective platform sections
# GPIO Pin with button connected
button: XIO-P1
# GPIO Pin for the playback/activity light
plb_light: XIO-P3
# GPIO Pin for the recording light
rec_light: XIO-P5
# GPIO Pin with button connected
button: 18
# GPIO Pin for the playback/activity light
plb_light: 24
# GPIO Pin for the recording light
rec_light: 25
# GPIO Pin with button connected
button: 20
# GPIO Pin for the playback/activity light
plb_light: 9
# GPIO Pin for the recording light
rec_light: 8
min_seconds_to_record: 3
# Magic Mirror - github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror
# Integrates with MMM-AlexaPi module (github.com/dgonano/MMM-AlexaPi) to display listening, playback, etc status
# Hostname of the AlexaPi HTTP server, leave empty for any name
hostname: ""
# Port the ALexaPi HTTTP server binds to
port: 5055
# Hostname of the Magic Mirror
mm_hostname: "localhost"
# Port of the Magic Mirror
mm_port: "8080"
# How ofter the Hearbeat fires in seconds
hb_timer: 5
# Hostname of the Hyperion node's JSON server
hyperion_json_host: ""
# Port of the Hyperion node's JSON server
hyperion_json_port: 19444
# Visual status as static 'color' or 'effect'
# Overridden by 'hyperion_flash_state_xxx'
hyperion_mode: "effect"
# Running speed when visualizing as 'effect'
hyperion_effect_speed: 1
hyperion_priority: 1
color_playback: [80, 213, 35]
color_processing: [35,169,213]
color_recording: [168, 35, 213]
flash_duration: 500
flash_frequency: 8
# Use Strobe effect instead of default effect or static color
flash_state_playback: true
flash_state_processing: false
flash_state_recording: false
# Visualize playback state
indicate_playback: true
#Also print json request/response when in debug mode
verbose: false
port: "/dev/ttyACM0"
baudrate: 9600
trigger: ""
playback_start: "g"
playback_end: "x"
recording_start: ""
recording_end: ""
processing_start: ""
processing_end: ""
failure: ""
success: ""
- sudo systemctl status AlexaPi.service -l
● AlexaPi.service - Alexa client for all your devices
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/AlexaPi.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-03-06 13:09:08 EST; 10s ago
Docs: https://github.com/alexa-pi/AlexaPi/wiki
Main PID: 25992 (python)
CGroup: /system.slice/AlexaPi.service
└─25992 /usr/bin/python /opt/AlexaPi/src/main.py --daemon
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Player State: State.Ended
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Finished play.
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Indicate Stop Playing
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Calling URL: http://localhost:8080/alexapi?action=AVSSTATUS&status=idle
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Indicating Success
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Calling URL: http://localhost:8080/alexapi?action=AVSSTATUS&status=success
Mar 06 13:09:16 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
Mar 06 13:09:18 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Sending MM Heatbeat
Mar 06 13:09:18 raspberrypi python[25992]: DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
- /opt/AlexaPi/src/main.py -d
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Setting up playback handler: VlcHandler
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: sound output_device: pulse
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Setting up Magic Mirror platform
2018-03-06 13:13:22 INFO: Magic Mirror HTTP Server - :5055
2018-03-06 13:13:22 INFO: Checking Internet Connection ...
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.amazon.com
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: https://api.amazon.com:443 "GET /auth/o2/token HTTP/1.1" 404 29
2018-03-06 13:13:22 INFO: Connection OK
2018-03-06 13:13:22 INFO: AVS token: Requesting a new one
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.amazon.com
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: https://api.amazon.com:443 "POST /auth/o2/token HTTP/1.1" 200 946
2018-03-06 13:13:22 INFO: AVS token: Obtained successfully
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Starting Magic Mirror platform HTTP Server
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Starting Magic Mirror heartbeat with 5 second interval
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Sending MM Heatbeat
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Stopping audio play
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Playing audio: /opt/AlexaPi/src/resources/hello.mp3
2018-03-06 13:13:22 DEBUG: Player State: State.Opening
2018-03-06 13:13:23 DEBUG: Player State: State.Playing
2018-03-06 13:13:23 DEBUG: Started play.
2018-03-06 13:13:23 DEBUG: Indicate Start Playing
2018-03-06 13:13:23 DEBUG: Calling URL: http://localhost:8080/alexapi?action=AVSSTATUS&status=playback
2018-03-06 13:13:23 DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Player State: State.Ended
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Finished play.
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Indicate Stop Playing
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Calling URL: http://localhost:8080/alexapi?action=AVSSTATUS&status=idle
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Indicating Success
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Calling URL: http://localhost:8080/alexapi?action=AVSSTATUS&status=success
2018-03-06 13:13:25 DEBUG: Response: {"status":"success"}
2018-03-06 13:13:27 DEBUG: Sending MM Heatbeat
- ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js
module: 'MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall',
position: "top_bar",
config: {},
classes: 'default everyone'
module: 'MMM-AlexaPi',
position: 'bottom_bar',
config: {
alexaTimeout: 30000,
alexaHBTimeout: 10000
classes: 'default everyone'
0|mm | > magicmirror@2.2.2 start /home/pi/MagicMirror
0|mm | > sh run-start.sh
0|mm |
0|mm | Starting MagicMirror: v2.2.2
0|mm | Loading config ...
0|mm | Loading module helpers ...
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-AlexaPi
0|mm | No helper found for module: alert.
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: updatenotification
0|mm | No helper found for module: MMM-ProfileSwitcher.
0|mm | No helper found for module: MMM-RandomPhoto.
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-PIR-Sensor
0|mm | No helper found for module: clock.
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: calendar
0|mm | No helper found for module: currentweather.
0|mm | No helper found for module: weatherforecast.
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: newsfeed
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-PiLights
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-Events
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-fitbit
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-Recipe
0|mm | Initializing new module helper ...
0|mm | Module helper loaded: MMM-MovieListings
0|mm | All module helpers loaded.
0|mm | Starting server on port 8080 ...
0|mm | Server started ...
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall
0|mm | Starting module helper: MMM-MirrorMirrorOnTheWall
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-AlexaPi
0|mm | Starting node helper for: MMM-AlexaPi
0|mm | Connecting socket for: updatenotification
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-PIR-Sensor
0|mm | Connecting socket for: calendar
0|mm | Starting node helper for: calendar
0|mm | Connecting socket for: newsfeed
0|mm | Starting module: newsfeed
0|mm | Started node_helper.js for MMM-DailyBibleVerse.
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-PiLights
0|mm | [2018-03-06 13:17:49] [MMM-PiLights] Starting node_helper
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-Events
0|mm | Starting node_helper for: MMM-Events
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-fitbit
0|mm | Starting module helper: MMM-fitbit
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-Recipe
0|mm | Connecting socket for: MMM-MovieListings
0|mm | MMM-MovieListing helper started...
0|mm | Sockets connected & modules started ...
0|mm | Launching application.
0|mm | Attempt to connect to AWS
0|mm | { MODE: { MODE_0: 0, MODE_1: 1, MODE_2: 2, MODE_3: 3 },
0|mm | CS: { none: 64, high: 4, low: 0 },
0|mm | ORDER: { msb: false, lsb: true },
0|mm | Spi: [Function: Spi] }
0|mm | Spi { _spi: _spi {}, device: '/dev/spidev0.0' }
0|mm | Set credential request recieved.
0|mm | { client_id: '1111',
0|mm | client_secret: '1234' }
0|mm | Initial run request recieved.
0|mm | Running getData.py
0|mm | results: [{"message":"credentials.ini exists","type":"status"},{"message":"Writing credentials to credentials.ini","type":"status"},{"message":"Writing id: 1111 and secret: 1234","type":"status"},{"message":"Credentials write successful","type":"status"}]
0|mm | Connected to AWS IoT
0|mm | Subscribed: MagicMirror:new-text
0|mm | Subscribed: MagicMirror:new-images
0|mm | Subscribed: MagicMirror:change-module
0|mm | Subscribed: MagicMirror:new-video
0|mm | Finished getting data
If have read hundreds of posts and followed many links before finally deciding to ask for some help. I’ve been trying to solve this one on my own for too long. If anyone has any suggestions, I would really appreciate the help.