New version available with icons as alternative display
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-DWD-Pollen
Hi,thanks for the hint. I am parsing for the partregion_id which in case of of Bayern has 4 sub regions 121-124:
121 Allgäu/Oberbayern
122 Donauniederungen
123 Bayern n. der Donau, o. Bayr. Wald, o. Mainfranken
124 MainfrankenThere is a map showing the regions (even though the numbers are wrong):
But good idea with the “no data” warning.
Thanks (btw, I mad a bug fix yesterday that prevented some of the items showing up)
Since the existing module to display Pollen information from Germany seems to be broken, I wrote a new module but used the US version as a template (MMM-Pollen).The data is sourced from DWD.
MMM-DWD-Pollen -
RE: Calendar module not showing Facebook birthdays
Same problem after upgrading to 2.7.1 both calendars do not show any data anymore. Even disabling them does not bring up the default calendar.
RE: MMM-EarthWinds
Thank you for the module. It runs very well but I tried to fix a certain position thus in case of restart it still shows the same view of earth (like Europe in the middle). I saw that you use,35.46,441 and thought by modifying the numbers it would change the view but somehow it always starts with a kind of default view. Using,35.19,441 works in a normal browser but it does not work on MagicMirror.
Any guidance? -
RE: MMM-Hotword being on all the time (also MMM-AssistantMk2)
Thank you for the fast answer. That makes sense since I did not change anything. I will play around a bit with the sensitivity and wait for Google API updates.
BTW: Great modules!
MMM-Hotword being on all the time (also MMM-AssistantMk2)
I am using MMM-Hotword together with MMM-AssistantMk2 and MMM-NotificationTrigger.
So far this works great but since some days I have the situation that after correctly recognizing the keyword the microphone stays open which leads to the situation that any following communication is also recognized by Google Assistant as input.
Sometimes it even creates the situation that an answer spoken by Google Assistant is again recognized by Google Assistant as input - somehow as it would speak with itself.
This is my config:
{ module: "MMM-NotificationTrigger", config: { triggers:[ { trigger: "HOTWORD_DETECTED", fires: [ { fire:"HOTWORD_PAUSE", }, { fire:"ASSISTANT_ACTIVATE", delay: 200, payload: function(payload) { return { "profile": payload.hotword } } }, ] }, { trigger: "ASSISTANT_DEACTIVATED", fires: [ { fire:"HOTWORD_RESUME" } ] }, ] } }, { module: 'MMM-Hotword', config: { snowboy: [ { //hotwords: "smartmirror", //this will be sent to other module for distinguishing which hotword is detected. hotwords: "okhorst", file: "resources/models/OKHorst.pmdl", sensitivity: '0.7', }, { hotwords: "snowboy", file: "resources/models/snowboy.umdl", sensitivity: '0.5', }, { file: 'resources/models/jarvis.umdl', sensitivity: '0.8,0.80', hotwords: ['jarvis','jarvis'] // changed their Jarvis UMDL, it has 2 models in one file. So weird. //anyway, you can give different name for each. ['jarvis_1', 'jarvis_2']. Even though I think this is useless. } ], record: { sampleRate : 16000, // audio sample rate threshold : 0.5, // silence threshold (rec only) thresholdStart: null, // silence threshold to start recording, overrides threshold (rec only) thresholdEnd : null, // silence threshold to end recording, overrides threshold (rec only) silence : 1.0, // seconds of silence before ending verbose : true, // log info to the console recordProgram : 'arecord', // Defaults to 'arecord' - also supports 'rec' and 'sox' device : null // recording device (e.g.: 'plughw:1') }, autostart: true, // if 'false', this module will wait for 'HOTWORD_RESUME' notification to start hotwords detection at the beginning. autorestart: false, // You can set this 'true' when you want this module to go back to listening mode automatically again after hotword is detected. But use this carefully when your other modules are using microphone or speaker. } }, { module: "MMM-AssistantMk2", position: "bottom_right", config: { deviceLocation: { // (OPTIONAL) coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device (rf. latitude: 50.243430, longitude: 8.652580, }, }, defaultProfile: "default", // This default profile should be in `profiles` field. profiles: { "default" : { profileFile: "default.json", //this path will be `~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-AssistantMk2/profiles/default.json" lang: "de-DE", }, }, }, },
RE: Black screen after some hours
Disabling the notification module did not change the problem. I solved it finally by going through (1) removing and (2) reinstalling screensaver and then (3) disabling screensaver again. Even though for me there is no logical explanation doing it that way, the problem has gone away.
RE: Black screen after some hours
Running 2.4.1 and getting the black screen after some time. Pi is still accessible and PM2 restart mm makes it work again.
How do you disable the update notification module?