Slick fix, Well done. Think this should get pushed to the master branch? Does not seem it will get in the way of other functionality/stability since we can still use the lower electron version but obviously the workaround means updates involve stashing changes and such.
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Latest posts made by Daveladd
RE: Calendar module won't show all events
RE: Calendar Broadcast
Apologies for not being specific enough. Was having troubles unpacking the notification payload. Found that this method works:
notificationReceived:function(notification, payload, sender) { if (notification === 'CALENDAR_EVENTS' && sender.name === 'calendar') { var x = payload; for (let value of x) {
then I was able to use variables such as
etc, to access the data. -
Calendar Broadcast
I am looking to develop a module that receives the broadcast notification from MM/default/calendar (which is presently being used as a work schedule) and can, for example, parse out the array and display a picture of the person next on the schedule. As of yet I cannot seem to get any even basic output from the CALENDAR_EVENTS notification let alone parse out the array into something useful. Any help would be much appreciated.