anyone have examples of this module being used to control say, compliments?? the readme is quite brief and incomplete it seems:
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Facial-Recognition - Welcome Message
I was looking at this module, and i was trying to figure out if there is a way to position the welcome message…
anyone know where that might be in the code? doesn’t appear to be a configurable attribute.
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
Actually I found a problem in the
If I comment out the line i= min(0, i-1) and return i-1 in the user_label method it works… Now just want to make sure we don’t get an index out of bounds…
Not terribley familiar with python. So what does that min(int, int) do exactly
RE: MMM-FacialRecognition Training tool
Seems to be a problem in the it was setting label to 0 no matter what
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
I have not loaded this on the mirror yet but did you change the face users and algorithm on the mirror and it’s config?
I’m having an issue where if I train it to recognize two different people the test script recognizes both as the same person :(
Is there a developer section where one might find tutorials on building modules for this?
Facial Recognition
I have started playing with the face recognition module and if I can get it to actually train I think it would be awesome… but I live with just my fiancé and was thinking, wouldn’t it be awesome if it recognized all our Facebook friends when they came over with out having to train them. Anyone have experience with fb apps and know of they would be easily integrated as a module
RE: MMM-FacialRecognition Training tool
Ok I figured out that it wasn’t recognizing images because I was suppose to give a folder not a file… that said, I now have it trained for three people, [Erik, Essy, Paul] but when it recognizes any of them it just says that they are Essy when I run the tester script. I updated the and everything… I know it recognizes all three people because others show up as None…
Anyone have this problem
MMM-FacialRecognition Training tool
I cloned the Facial Recognition training tool to my linux laptop, to generate a Training.xml file that i could put on my pi later, but its not working…
First i tried capturing with my webcam, and i see the webcam light go on, but it fails like so:
sudo python Remember to set the name list environment variable FACE_USERS Using default FACE_ALGORITM: 1 What do you want to do? [1] Capture training images from webcam [2] Convert '*.jpg' pictures from other cameras to training images --> 1 Enter the name of the person you want to capture or convert images for. --> Erik Images will be placed in ./training_data/Erik -------------------- Starting process... Capturing positive training images. Press enter to capture an image. Press Ctrl-C to quit. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 38, in capture.capture(preview) File "/root/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools/lib/", line 54, in capture input() File "", line 0 ^ SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
Then I tried just using jpg files, got no errors but no images are actually being put in the [Person’s name] folder under training data…
root@atreyu:~/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools# python Remember to set the name list environment variable FACE_USERS Using default FACE_ALGORITM: 1 What do you want to do? [1] Capture training images from webcam [2] Convert '*.jpg' pictures from other cameras to training images --> 2 Enter the name of the person you want to capture or convert images for. --> Erik Images will be placed in ./training_data/Erik Please enter path to images or drag and drop folder into terminal --> '/root/Documents/erik1.jpg' -------------------- Starting process... root@atreyu:~/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools#
I put gave it like 5 images for Erik and one for Essy, but
When i try running the it looks like there are no images: i get this:root@atreyu:~/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools# python Remember to set the name list environment variable FACE_USERS Using default FACE_ALGORITM: 1 Which algorithm do you want to use? [1] LBPHF (recommended) [2] Fisherfaces [3] Eigenfaces --> 1 Reading training images... -------------------- Assign label 1 to Essy Assign label 2 to Erik -------------------- ('Read', 0, 'positive images and', 400, 'negative images.') -------------------- Training model type 1 with threshold 80 ('Training data saved to', 'training.xml') Please add or update (if you added new people not just new images) ['Essy', 'Erik'] inside config.js (mirror module) or (model tester). You can change the names to whatever you want, just keep the same order and you'll be fine. Please add 1 as your choosen algorithm inside config.js (mirror module) or (model tester). root@atreyu:~/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Tools#
Am i missing something?
I tried running the Facial recognition test, and it opens up the preview and detects my face, eyes, nose etc… but always says no match
please help…
Safe shutdown on unplug
So I know how to create a switch to turn off a pi safely, but with this mirror and the tendencies of my fiance to just unplug things, I was thinking of using something like that adafruit power boost 500 to basically have a small lipo battery supply that charges when plugged in to the wall, but then sends a power down command when unplugged while supplying power via the lipo. Problem is the powerboost isn’t really designed for that… it can be used to send a soft shutdown when the battery but is low, but I really want it to shutdown when not charging.
Has anyone else implemented something like this… really just looking for a good hardware solution.