Yes, that’s what I am aiming for and your tip was perfect! It’s looking great now!
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Current Weather Not Dimmed
Current Weather Not Dimmed
Hey, I’ve been playing with the CSS (total newbie) and have tweaked a bunch of things. But I ran into an issue with the current weather. Aside from the current temperature and weather icon, everything is dimmed text. I’d like it all to be bright white but I can’t figure out how to do that. Can anyone help?
RE: Has anyone set their MM into the wall?
@BKeyport Great idea on the hinge. If I go this route, I’m definitely going to look at this.
RE: Has anyone set their MM into the wall?
@bhepler That’s great to hear. I’m still considering if I want to go that route but it’s good to hear that the heat shouldn’t be an issue.
Has anyone set their MM into the wall?
I tried to search for this but couldn’t find any posts. Sorry if I missed one.
I’m considering trying cutting into the drywall on a non-insulated wall and setting the bulk of the monitor/pi/power stuff etc into the wall to make it more extremely low profile. Essentially, the box would be in the wall and the frame itself would be flush to the wall more like what a regular mirror would be.
What are the problems with this? Will that cause heat issues?
This is my first build so any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for any thoughts on this!