@emadragon I don’t know…
my scripts use the node process manager (pm2) so that its the same on every platform
the fixuppm2 script at the bottom of the page…
then u would undo what the lxde setup was
then its auto started on boot…
but you can control it with the pm2 command
pm2 status
pm2 stop xx (or all)
pm2 start xx (or all)
pm2 restart xx
output is captured to two logs
pm2 logs --lines=nn
(nn is some number, 15 by default)
you can redirect that output to a file to view it if there issues
during development and test, I don’t use pm2, I just
cd ~/MagicMirror npm start >somefile.txt 2>&1then it captures all the output to ~/MagicMirror/somefile.txt
ctrl-q on the MM screen stops it
ctrl-m minimizes
once u have everything working , then reboot or pm2 start all