@LordBane Good day all, really love this module great work. i just found this and noticed that it was in fahrenheit but as a canadian i would like it to be in celsius. so i look at the code and found the lines that need updating for it to display in celsius.
to do this you will need to edit the file MMM-Ecobee.js (Location = MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Ecobee/)
update line 58 to be “var desiredHeat = Math.round(((thermo.runtime.desiredHeat / 10)-32)*5/9);”
update line 59 to be “var desiredCool = Math.round(((thermo.runtime.desiredCool / 10)-32)*5/9);”
update line 106 to be “currentTemp.innerHTML = Math.round(((device.capability[0].value / 10)-32)*5/9);”
once that is done refresh the Mirror and the number will be updated.
Please let me know if this cause any problems for anyone.
Thank you