I have a .sh file of google assistant, I want it to run like a module, like add module that can run .sh file
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I want help in a module that can run .sh file, same like other modules run .json files
Profile Selection between recognise and unrecognise
Hi everyone,
I’m looking for help, What I’m trying to do to is to recognise a person in front of a camera, If the person recognises the custom-made dashboard come on display, I have done the recognising a person part but not able to switch to the custom-made dashboard -
Facial Recognition Database
Is it possible to build a module like, if a person-1 came in front of the mirror recognize as Jhon, then module help system to open his email and to-list, Like personalized data according to the user?