Got it to work. Thank you for the help with this. I appreciate it.
Got it to work. Thank you for the help with this. I appreciate it.
I will test this over the weekend. For the url is it the public or private one used? Thanks for the guidance.
I am building MM using MMM-GoogleCalendar. I have main google calendar that has events and I want to integrate my wife’s calendar that has events she populated. In my calendar settings, it is listed under settings for my calendar and I have full control along with her calendarID. I have both calendarIDs listed but when I start the mirror, it shows her calendar. I am looking to have the two calendars merged so it shows the calendar upcoming events merged and sequential instead of just one calendar. Is there a way to add this in the config. I am kinda stuck right now. Also, I am trying not to import her calendar into mine manually. Thoughts? Thanks.
Thanks for the catch. I appreciate it and the tips for future post. First time posting here.
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast",
position: "top_right",
header: "House Weather",
config: {
apiKey: "###",
latitude: "###",
longitude: "###",
iconset: "6oa",
concise: "false",
forecastLayout: "table"
Hello all,
Just installed the MMM-OpenWeatherForecast module. I created an account with open weather and I am using the “One Call API 3.0.” I tested the default api key using their example:{lat}&lon={lon}&exclude={part}&appid={API key}. I checked the usage and it registered. However when I start the MM it comes back with ERROR ** No API key configured. Get an API key at I also created a new API key and tried that but with the same error.
Has anyone run into this? Whats the fix? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.