What size SD card do you have?
Have you ran
sudo raspi-config
selected the expand memory the second screen?
I had that problem when first starting MM. No problems any more with 32 GB of space.
What size SD card do you have?
Have you ran
sudo raspi-config
selected the expand memory the second screen?
I had that problem when first starting MM. No problems any more with 32 GB of space.
@doron92 Check this out. It’s for beginners.
[link text]
(link url)
Thank you for the reply! I have added the line as instructed in your reply. I also had to move the css file into the css directory in the html directory. Looking at the openHAB Basic UI on the screen the colors changed to black as set .
In this screen, are you supposed to see the button layout as you displayed at the beginning of this article? There is the icon at the top of the screen showing that looks like something is missing.
On the Magic Mirror screen, the only thing I see is a rectangle white bordered box on the screen.
I seem to still be missing something.
I am running OH2 and just ran across your article about interfacing OH2 with MagicMirror. First of all thank you for this program. I’m just starting to use Magic Mirror.
I have installed your code into Magic Mirror.
I have added your code to the MM config.js file
I have added the 2 files to my OH2 html directory.
Where I ran into trouble is in adding the code to my sitemap file.
You indicate that this added to the beginning of that code:
sitemap MMM label="MMM-Openhab"
// Set for MMM-Openhab
Webview url="/static/MMM-View.html"
DO I replace my original code :
sitemap ourhome label="Our Home" {
Frame label="Today" {
Text item=Date icon="calendar"
Text item=Time icon="time"
with your above code? If I do this then my OH2 will not start. Am I missing something? Thank you for any information!