@ostfilinchen Can you add showContactsStatus: true,
in the config, and see if it successfully loads your contacts? Either a small warning sign should appear after you restart your mirror, or a number showing how many contacts are loaded.
If the contacts load correctly, please look at the format your numbers are in the phonebook, e.g. are they like +12 (345) 678901
or 0012345678901
… (do not post the real number)? I have experienced some problems with certain formatting as well, however have not had time to fix it in the code, instead I replaced my numbers in the FRITZ!Box, and always used the format 0123 4567891
If there is a warning sign, please have a look at the logs (if you start it with pm2
you can do pm2 logs --lines 100 mm
) and search for an error related to the Callmonitor.