I updated to 2.12 tonight. my custom.css is not loading anymore. I opened the mirror in a brower and viewed the source and I see that a change has been made. In 2.11 the actuall custom.css appeared before the body opening html tag. But now I see this message in the html code.
<!-- custom.css is loaded by the loader.js to make sure it's loaded after the module css files. -->
Obviously loader.js isn’t actually loading the custom.css.
If I manually open the custom.css in my browser and then reload the mirror (in the same browser) I do see my custom css. It is upon the first loading of the mirror when it starts up that custom.css is not loading.
In electron when it is started upon booting the pi, the loader isn’t loading the custom.css. and I do not see my custom css. I plugin in a keyboard and can force refresh. but this isn’t how I want the mirror to run. and I Don’t want to have to plug in a keyboard every time the power goes out. I live in the country and that happens often enough to be irritating here.