@Vauxdvihl openweathermap discontinued their 2.5 api. so the url in the module might be wrong. Check the configuration possibilities for your module and see if you can choose the 3.0 api.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast Error 401
RE: Compliments.json absolute or relative and proper path
@karsten13 that is exactly what I did. I like having it outside the config.js so the config.js doesn’t grow to be a huge file. And so if I mess up when I add to the compliments.json, I won’t break the entire mirror.
I’m adding a whole lot of birthdays and lots of family specific dates. I like having the remoteFile setting so I can keep this data out of config.js.
RE: [WANTED] new ownership of modules.
Thank you for all you have done! I am a newbie to MagicMirror (two months since I started playing with it and figuring it out) and I have installed several of your modules. I’m learning so much about node.js and javascript by tweaking their configurations and I’m impressed. I just found this note from you saying you were going to move on to new things as life has been changing so much for you.
I found MM and your modules because I was creating change in my life. Good LUCK and may you find interesting challenges and satisfaction whatever you end up doing.And… Thank you!
p.s. I hope you do lurk from time to time and check in on us. You will be missed for sure.
RE: Hello everyone, I have a module resizing problem
@Manu85 I do not understand what you wrote. I think you want to change the size of the content you are grabbing from a different website.
MMM-SmartWebDisplay creates an iframe and shows a webpage inside that iframe.
Because you are displaying the contents of your link inside an iframe, you are stuck with whatever is coded in that frame. You can’t change what is in it. The web page you chose contents are set to a fixed size by the html code that creates that page.
The width and height in the config.js only affect the size of the iframe that you created with the module. Those values can not affect what is inside the iframe that are hosted on a different server.
Perhaps you can find a different source for your content? If you found something that isn’t set to a fixed size then it may display relative to the size of the iframe you build locally with the module.
This is by design of the www. It prevents hijacking content. If you want to read about it, it’s called same-domain policy.
RE: Black Screen after installing fonts-noto-color-emoji
What is happening is that npm can’t find config:check in /home/pi/You have to move into the Magicmirror folder before running
npm run config:check -
RE: MMM-PythonPrint customisation
Thank you for this MMM-PythonPrint. More than the sample module this really helped me follow how to wrap my head around how the script.js node_helper and anything else work together. The way you worded the variables and the input and output text really made sense and made it easy to follow what is happening. I am learning a lot. Again, Thank you.
RE: when to use init , start, loaded of node helper
@sdetweil your explanations helped a lot. I debugged using a timer in the node_helper to fake detecting different types of button press and my module will send magic mirror notifications. (So, if I can detect the actual physical events I’m pretty sure my script will work.
I think it’s the node package I’m trying to use that is the problem.
I even got so far as to figure out that a dependency of the package I want to used wasn’t compiled for Node version 16. which i what I’ve got running on my Mirror pi. I figured out it is c++ and even figured out how to recompile it with node-gyp and make. so now I do not get any errors in the pm2 error log. but now instead of a black screen electron, I don’t get electron opening a window at all. I check the PM2 logs. There are no errors in the mm-error log. It is blank.
However, the pm2 mm-out log is being added to over and over, so electron and MagicMirror are running. and the error keeps being repeated in the mm-out log.The error which i’ve googled and gotten no working result for is:
ERROR Error: Cannot find module 'bindings'.
Yet there is a bindings folder in the node_helper folder.
Is there a way to find out what path is being used to try to find “bindings”.Or maybe the package I’m trying to use just is too much of a mess to keep screwing with. It sure seems like it would be super useful. I wanted to add a few physcial intermittant buttons and be able to assign multiple uses to them. Funny thing is… it works great when I run the test script in the command line using node.
By the way, this learning nodejs and module development is not all that easy.
RE: Hello everyone, I have a module resizing problem
@Manu85 Youtube allows you to form the url requesting the video in a way that tells YouTube what size you want the YouTube player to be. The YouTube developers do that purposely as they make money from ads they show you.
Unfortunately the isstracker.spaceflight.esa.int website doesn’t allow you to do that.
Every website developer makes choices for their own website. We may not like what they choose.
RE: MMM-OpenWeatherMapForecast Doesn't display imperial units
I see you got your module choice working.
jclarke0000 is the one I’m using. -
MMM-OneButton one button two defineable actions
This is my first working module. I wanted to make one button do more than one thing. This module uses a python script to poll the button state. The button can be pressed and released or it can be held down for a long period of approx 4 seconds.
I am currently using MMM-OneButton with the MMM-Pages module to PAGE_INCREMENT the pages upon a button press.
And to ARTICLE_NEXT for the default news module when the button is held.I have to give Sam kudo for all his examples he has posted on this forum. He’s really helped me a lot.
I plan on making it even more useful by adding in the obligatory screen on/off. reboot pi, etc. But I am excited that I’m finally figuring this stuff out enough to actually make a working module.
If you want to try it out and give me some feedback, it’s located at