So, I’ve been playing around with MMM-Syslog and have enabled the IFTTT webhooks service to update the syslog with a GET request - it got me thinking…

Is it possible for someone much cleverer than myself to throw together a quick API to enable module interaction

For example:


Then in IFTTT, all you would have to do is set the assistant of choice as the trigger, and the Webhooks service as the action.

EG - If I speak the phrase ‘OK Google, Hide all modules’ then trigger http://MIRROR:PORT/IFTTT?type=ACTION&ACTION=HideModules
‘Alexa, trigger my mirror to hide modules’, then trigger http://MIRROR:PORT/IFTTT?type=ACTION&ACTION=HideModules

It could also enable some much fancier things, such as a tie in for the motion detector (If xyz service detects I leave the house, turn off mirror)

Would welcome your thoughts!