@liz looking at the code, this module doesn’t support multiple instances.
you might be able to make a setup for this
copy the MMM-Fuel folder to
new folder MMM-Fuel1
inside MMM-Fuel1, rename everything MMM-Fuel to MMM-Fuel1
inside templates, rename MMM-Fuel.njk to MMM-Fuel1.njk
inside the MMM-Fuel1.js, change places of MMM-Fuel to MMM-Fuel1
Module.register('MMM-Fuel', { // <-
getStyles() {
return ['font-awesome.css', 'MMM-Fuel.css']; .// <-
getTemplate() {
return 'templates/MMM-Fuel.njk'; // <-
in your multi-instance config.js, change one of them to module:“MMM-Fuel1”