this date is only every 4 years :)
At this date is : Radomír
Hi all,
i’m trying to prepare everything on SW site before i start building MM and i have almost everything except birthdays … :(
i’m using iCloud to store my contacts birthdays but i’m not able to find way how to import them to calendar module on MM2
i’ve found and installed this module :
i’ve installed it and also dependecies :
npm install ical-generator
npm install icloud
npm install nedb --save
in config/config.js i’ve updated entry with
module: ‘MMM-iCloud-Client’,
config: {
username: “appleID”,
password: “password”,
countrycode: “49”,
also i’ve edited modules/default/calendar/calendar.js and added this code to it (below US-Holidays.ics …entry) :
symbol: ‘birthday-cake’,
url: ‘http://localhost:8080/MMM-iCloud-Client/birthdays’,
but it’s still not showing any birthday even if upcomming are in 2 days.
Can someone help me what i’m doing wrong ?
Thank you
@Sean i’ve added missing dates :
0101 - Nový Rok
0501 - Sviatok práce
1225 - 1. Sviatok Vianočný
and i’ve changed Today is and Tomorrow is to :
Dnes má meniny …
Zajtra má meniny …
@sean ok thank you i will add all missing dates :) thank you for your great work ;)
@sean yes this looks great :)
1.1 is bank holiday and there is no name in calendar
it can be under time (clock) where i can add some text and after there will be shown name like :
Today is < name >
i’ve tried with downloading ics and putting new calendar entry … it’s working, but it’s not so nice as i imagine …
after Name there is end in 9 hours …
i would prefer to have it like :
Today is < NAME >
Tomorrow is < NAME >
Hi is there possibility to create easy module that will show name in current day ?
I’m from Slovakia and everyday is different name in calendar.
Here is the list of names and dates but i don’t know how to create module that will show name of current day and maybe also upcomming.
i found this : where are all names but i don’t know how to create module.
Can you please help me ?
Thank you