@thobach sorry for the silence, i have been looking into to your module, sadly im having all sorts of issues with getting the authentication working, the procedure is a lot more involved than the wunderlist api, thats for sure :(
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Wunderlist shuts down May 6th
RE: Wunderlist shuts down May 6th
@thobach i will test it out and give feedback asap!
great work! -
Wunderlist shuts down May 6th
It looks like microsoft pulls the plug on wunderlist in May, and wants everybody to migrate to microsoft todo.
Anyone working on microsoft todo integration with magicmirror in need of a hand?
RE: Module not updating data, other modules work fine, how to debug?
So i ended up looking at pullrequests on the module and it looks like someone already made a fix for this.
sorry for wasting forum space :)this should be a fix https://github.com/funsocietyirc/MMM-Wunderlist-Enhanced/pull/18/files
Module not updating data, other modules work fine, how to debug?
Im using the wunderlist enhanced module to show my wunderlist and it works great, most of the time.
After a while the module doesnt update the data anymore,
when i restart the magicmirror service all works again,How would you debug on this?
If i cant get the module to work, i might look into the watchdog module, but as i can see it would need some modification.
A plan could be that the wunderlist module would write a notification when it updates, and if the watchdog times out, it would reset the service.
Would that make sense to do? -
RE: help developing an outofmilk.com module
okay, i see - i have been reading up on the http and request modules now.
it should be possible for me to figure out how to get it to output the data directly in the console, and then i can tackle the presentation part of the module later.
i have been looking at a lot of sourcecode for other mm modules and i cant seem to find any other projects that handle multiple requests like this directly, am i mistaken?
RE: help developing an outofmilk.com module
#quick mockup in the entirely wrong language :)
$csrftoken = (($firstrequest.InputFields|where {$_.name -eq “csrfmiddlewaretoken”}).value)[0]
$username = “insertemailhere”
$password = “insertpasswordhere”
$listid = “find listhere”
$body = “csrfmiddlewaretoken=$csrftoken&login-email=$username&login-password=$password&btnLogin=Submit”
$headers = @{“Cookie”=“csrftoken=$csrftoken”; “Origin”=“https://www.outofmilk.com”; “Accept”=“application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01”; “Referer”=“https://www.outofmilk.com/ShoppingList.aspx?signin=1”; “X-CSRFToken”=“$csrftoken”; “X-Requested-With”=“XMLHttpRequest”; “DNT”=“1”}
$secondrequest = Invoke-WebRequest -WebSession $Session -Uri “https://www.outofmilk.com/Login” -Method “POST” -Headers $headers -ContentType “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” -Body $Body
$body = “{"listID
$thirdrequest = Invoke-WebRequest -WebSession $Session -Uri “https://www.outofmilk.com/Services/GenericService.asmx/GetItems” -Method “POST” -Headers $headers -ContentType “application/json; charset=UTF-8” -Body $body -
RE: help developing an outofmilk.com module
I have all of that done already, im using the data in another application, done in powershell, i just need a bit of beginners guidance on how to get a magic mirror module to access the data, as i have never done anything in js before.
help developing an outofmilk.com module
I´m planning on migrating a windows based home-control-screen to magicmirror and so far i have found all the modules i need, except for a module for the website out of milk.Since my old solution already has the info on how to get the data from the website, i dont think i would be a big problem.
The procedure right now is to call the mainsite https://outofmilk.com/ to get a session, and then call the /loginsite with post data containing credentials.
This request returns a logincookie that you can use to get a shoppinglist from the api.im mostly a devops guy using powershell and other basic scripting languages, which makes the whole framework a big bite to take in at once.
Do you have any good pointers of modules i can look into that uses the same way of getting data?
i can code i already have in powershell if anyone is interrested.