Beats me, did you run npm install in the MagicMirror folder?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: First start from the mirror does not work
RE: First start from the mirror does not work
@samydp all you should have to do is change the language portion of your
language: 'en',
->language: 'de',
As for the rest of your modules, I recommend adding them one by one to your
file to make sure they work. If you get that electron.js error, it was on the module you just added.-Luke
RE: First start from the mirror does not work
@samydp, rename your
and make this your newconfig.js
. Try running the program with this, if you see compliments on the bottom screen, you know that magicmirror works fine and the problem is in one of the other modules. It’s a place to start. If you’re still getting the electron errors, try rerunning npm install again in your MagicMirror directory.
var config = { port: 8080, language: 'en', timeFormat: 24, units: 'metric', modules: [ { module: 'alert', }, { module: 'compliments', position: 'lower_third' } ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {module.exports = config;}
RE: First start from the mirror does not work
@samydp I had this problem when I first installed it. It was a module problem for me. Can you comment out all of the modules from config.js except alert and see if if gives you the same error. If not, start enabling the modules one by one until you figure out which is the problem.
RE: Weather Location / Calendar Format / Fast boot
I modified the default module to look for a lat/long or a locationID before it uses the name you put in the config.js.
The location ID is specific and unambiguous so you shouldn’t get any location errors.If you want to modify your code to use a locationID (which you can get here) put this in weatherforecast.js
in your config.js in the weatherforecast config: { section add:
under the “defaults” section add:
locationID: "",
change getParams: function()… to
getParams: function() { var params = "?"; if(this.config.locationID !== "") { params += "id=" + this.config.locationID; } else { params += "q=" + this.config.location; } params += "&units=" + this.config.units; params += "&lang=" + this.config.lang; params += "&cnt=" + (((this.config.maxNumberOfDays < 1) || (this.config.maxNumberOfDays > 16)) ? 7 : this.config.maxNumberOfDays); params += "&APPID=" + this.config.appid; return params; },
Moderator note: Please use proper markdown for easier reading.
I made a module that pulls’s weather from a lat/long page/file.
I set up my phone with Hervé Renault’s Self-Hosted_GPS-Tracker.
Wunderground weather based off of MattLugar’s module.I travel a lot, so when the wife looks at the mirror, she can see the city I’m in as well as the weather there.