Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

Otis Anderson has engaged in freelance writing for the last 5 years. He has had several articles published in the nursing field and numerous articles published in a magazine called dissertation help online, where he is a regular contributor. His other experiences with writing include web writing, business writing, and the topics of beauty, games, and hobbies. He recently completed several projects for health publishers Morrison Media.
His published articles include:
Causes of Renal Failure
The Next MRSA
Acute Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure
Avian Influenza: The Next Pandemic New York State Nurses Association
Potassium Disorders and Channelopathies New York State Nurses Association
NKFDOQI Guidelines for Hemodialysis Adequacy Sinclair Community College
Pacifier Use Linked to Ear Infections (otitis media)