@Rene1695 A misconfigured docker sadly overwrote my js files on reboot and i hadn’t had the time to recreate it until now.
I cannot seem to upload my files here but you can look at my github repo where i synced all the changes. Watch out for a pull request to main, however that could take a while to end up in the releases.
Of note are: weather.css (as @sdetweil detailed to add a border)
providers/openmeteo.js (since it is free and more detailed than the other ones i use openmeteo and only know how to integrate it from them, maybe you can get the api reference for others, it should be similar to openmeteo.js though)
hourly.njk (which adds the table entry, if the config.js has showUV_Index set to true)
and obviously config.js
As of yet hourly and current is implemented and i am trying to set up an max_UV for forecast.
However there is one more bug: UV=0 does not get ignored like rain=0 but actually shows 0 0 0 0 etc. Not gamebreaking but still.