Oh no, that’s embarrassing. I completely overlooked that and of course it works now. So often you look at what the problem could be and just don’t see it.
Thank you very much for your help!
Oh no, that’s embarrassing. I completely overlooked that and of course it works now. So often you look at what the problem could be and just don’t see it.
Thank you very much for your help!
The standards are absolutely sufficient for everyday use.
But while I position the modules and adapt the CSS to my own wishes and test the functions of the modules, the long time is rather annoying and I wanted to shorten it.
I have now activated the following config and restarted.
I recorded the contents of the screen and looked at exactly when and what happened.
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3",
position: "middle_center",
disabled: false,
waitFetch: 1000 * 60 * 2,
refreshInterval: 1000 * 60 * 2,
module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda",
position: "top_center",
disabled: false,
waitFetch: 1000 * 60 * 2,
refreshInterval: 1000 * 60 * 2,
title: "Kalender",
config: {
instanceId: "basicCalendar",
locale: 'de',
firstDayOfWeek: 1,
startDayIndex: -1,
endDayIndex: 10,
calendarSet: []
The result is that the config is ignored.
CX3 starts after the calendar module and displayed the first entries of the 3 small calendars as soon as they appeared.
CX3 only refreshes after 10 minutes. You can tell this by the display briefly disappearing and then fading in again. Then all entries are included.
CX3A also starts after the calendar module and also shows the entries of the 3 small calendars directly.
CX3A refreshes after 30 minutes (default?). Even then, all entries are included.
Apparently waitFetch is ignored for both, otherwise, according to your explanation, the first entries would only appear after waitFetch. But these are there immediately as soon as the module has been loaded.
Other configurations are also ignored. For example, I used this for testing:
mode: ‘day’,
But i only get the week view.
When i change it in MMM-CalendarExt3.js, then it works.
Why is the config ignored or what am I missing?
module: "clock",
position: "top_left",
config: {
clockBold: false,
showWeek: false,
showSunTimes: true,
showMoonTimes: true,
lat: 51.514244,
lng: 7.468429,
Thats my configuration of clock module.
can someone explain sunTimes and moonTimes?
For my city “Dortmund, Germany” i think the suntimes are not correct.
Does it really mean, the sun rises at15:11 and goes down at 03:23 ???
When i google the times they differ extremly:
March 20th: 06:30 - 18:45 (sun)
All right, that makes complete sense.
I understand that now.
CX3 initially only recognizes broadcast events and does not know how many calendars are configured and waits until all of them have been processed.
(The default value is 5000ms, not 300000)
By the way, with the 300000 I meant the time from the default calendar, the “fetchInterval”, whose default value is: 300000 (5 minutes).
I tried the 2nd option, unfortunately it doesn’t work, I set it to 1000 * 60 * 2, but it takes exactly 10 minutes.
When and how often is waitFetch executed, just once? I would have expected CX3 to notice a broadcast and then update according to waitFetch.
No problem, i removed fragments from the share link and named them like my list above, sorted by size, cal-8 is the smallest filesize.
> magicmirror@2.26.0 start
> DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.845] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.26.0
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.851] [LOG] Loading config ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.856] [DEBUG] config template file not exists, no envsubst
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.862] [LOG] Loading module helpers ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.864] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert.
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.898] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.898] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification
[20.03.2024 15:28.52.900] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock.
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.231] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.232] [LOG] Module helper loaded: calendar
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.234] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-CalendarExt3.
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.235] [LOG] All module helpers loaded.
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.244] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.275] [LOG] Server started ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.278] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.280] [LOG] Starting module helper: updatenotification
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.281] [LOG] Connecting socket for: calendar
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.282] [LOG] Starting node helper for: calendar
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.283] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ...
[20.03.2024 15:28.53.918] [LOG] Launching application.
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.031] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-2 - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.194] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-4 - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.198] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-3 - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.201] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://p29-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/ODA-cal-1 - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.205] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-5 - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.208] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://i.cal.to/ical/3/borussiadortmund/bundesliga-spielplan/cal-6.ics - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.217] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://i.cal.to/ical/77/nrw/ferien/cal-8.ics - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.221] [LOG] Create new calendarfetcher for url: https://i.cal.to/ical/61/nrw/feiertage/cal-7.ics - Interval: 3600000
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.224] [INFO] updatenotification: Updater Class Loaded!
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.225] [INFO] updatenotification: Checking PM2 using...
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.227] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-CalendarExt3
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.290] [INFO] Checking git for module: MagicMirror
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.729] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 2 events from https://i.cal.to/ical/61/nrw/feiertage/cal-7.ics.
[20.03.2024 15:28.57.825] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 1 events from https://i.cal.to/ical/77/nrw/ferien/cal-8.ics.
[20.03.2024 15:28.59.069] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 5 events from https://i.cal.to/ical/3/borussiadortmund/bundesliga-spielplan/cal-6.ics.
[20.03.2024 15:29.00.814] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 4 events from https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-5.
[20.03.2024 15:29.00.869] [INFO] updatenotification: You are using pm2 with MagicMirror
[20.03.2024 15:29.02.223] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 1 events from https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-4.
[20.03.2024 15:29.04.265] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 7 events from https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-3.
[20.03.2024 15:29.49.438] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 8 events from https://p63-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/MTA-cal-2.
[20.03.2024 15:30.30.417] [INFO] Calendar-Fetcher: Broadcasting 12 events from https://p29-caldav.icloud.com/published/2/ODA-cal-1.
Thanks for your answer.
I cleaned up my config.js and only had following modules in it:
No matter how many calendars I have activated, the default calendar loads all entries quite quickly, although you can notice that the “large” calendars with many entries took a few seconds to load (sometimes up to 20-30 seconds).
Nevertheless, I deleted the fetchInterval (31000) in the default calendar, so the default value of 300000 is now active.
After the default calendar displayed all entries, it took at least another 10 minutes for them to appear in the MMM-CalendarExt3.
Why is this taking so long? They are sent to MMM-CalendarExt3 via “broadcastEvents” or what?
I took a look at the sizes of my calendar:
Calendars 6-8 are displayed relatively quickly in MMM-CalendarExt3, calendar 5 a little later. The others require the previously mentioned 5-10 minutes.
Could it have something to do with size?
@sdetweil Ok, i got it.
var config = {
address: "::", // Address to listen on, can be:
// - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface
// - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface
// - "", "::" to listen on any interface
// Default, when address config is left out or empty, is "localhost"
port: 8080,
I had to change it to:
address: "",
Was my mistake, i uploaded wrong config…
Don’t know why the Vulkan errors are appearing…
i get some errors in mm-error.log.
/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGINT
WARNING: v3dv is neither a complete nor a conformant Vulkan implementation. Testing use only.
/home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/electron exited with signal SIGINT
WARNING: v3dv is neither a complete nor a conformant Vulkan implementation. Testing use only.
WARNING: v3dv is neither a complete nor a conformant Vulkan implementation. Testing use only.
Warning: loader_scanned_icd_add: Driver /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libvulkan_radeon.so supports Vulkan 1.2, but only supports loader interface version 4. Interface version 5 or newer required to support this version of Vulkan (Policy #LDP_DRIVER_7)
Warning: loader_scanned_icd_add: Driver /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libvulkan_broadcom.so supports Vulkan 1.1, but only supports loader interface version 3. Interface version 5 or newer required to support this version of Vulkan (Policy #LDP_DRIVER_7)
Warning: loader_scanned_icd_add: Driver /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libvulkan_lvp.so supports Vulkan 1.1, but only supports loader interface version 1. Interface version 5 or newer required to support this version of Vulkan (Policy #LDP_DRIVER_7)
Warning: Layer VK_LAYER_MESA_device_select uses API version 1.2 which is older than the application specified API version of 1.3. May cause issues.
Warning: terminator_CreateInstance: Manifest ICD for "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libvulkan_broadcom.so" contained a 1.1 or greater API version, but does not support vkEnumerateInstanceVersion, treating as a 1.0 ICD
Warning: terminator_CreateInstance: Driver /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libvulkan_lvp.so supports interface version 1 but still exposes VkSurfaceKHR create/destroy entrypoints (Policy #LDP_DRIVER_8)
WARNING: v3dv is neither a complete nor a conformant Vulkan implementation. Testing use only.
Warning: Vulkan textureCompressionBC feature required or both textureCompressionETC2 and textureCompressionASTC required.
- While initializing adapter (backend=BackendType::Vulkan)
at InitializeImpl (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/PhysicalDeviceVk.cpp:159)
at Initialize (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/PhysicalDevice.cpp:35)
Can someone figure out the problem? The mirror is showing a black screen.
@sdetweil when i disable the MMM-CalendarExt3 module, the errors are gone.
All calendars are working fine and loading quickly in default calendar module.