After looking around I found the Wunderlist module and used that to add a “Menu” list. I can put in a Todo item as the Day - Menu and set it to be due on that day. nice part about it is that anyone who has access to the list can add items or check them off as done using their phones and it updates on the mirror.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

RE: Dinner menu
RE: change current weather colors - time and wind
@karde I know its .normal in main.css but I do not know how to make it only change color for only one module. if you change .normal it will be for everything that uses .normal.
Is that even possible that you do a .module.normal {color:blue;} in your custom.css. Even so you would be changing all the text in that module, as there is no ‘code’ for just that one section.
Im no programer, so no clue. I only just figured out how to do the icons recently.
RE: default calendar - individual icon colors?
@pugsly Figured it out…
.fas.fa-fw.fa-calendar {
color: #ffffff; /* white /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-birthday-cake {
color: #00ffff; / cyan /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-gift {
color: #ffff00; / Yellow /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-institution {
color: #ff0000; / Red /
.fas.fa-fw.fa.fa-building-o {
color: #00ff00; / Lime */ -
RE: [MMM-NetworkScanner] disable logging
Just noticed this myself, that the pm2 logs were getting huge. I scan every 10 seconds, and all those scans were being logged.
Only running on a 8GB SD card
RE: change current weather colors - time and wind
Not sure about the Wind stuff but I did want the sunrise/sunset to change so here is the code for your custom.css for that.
.wi.dimmed.wi-sunset {
color: orange;
.wi.dimmed.wi-sunrise {
color: yellow;