How do you change the font and size now?
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Font Size
Re: MMM-Multimonth
How do you change the font and size now? I updated to the latest version and its now huge.
RE: Pir sensor
This is what I use to put my monitor to sleep using a PIR sensor. I have a 3D printed case for the sensor that hangs under the mirror itself. The sensor does not have anything to do with the magic mirror software at all, in fact it just puts the monitor to sleep when no one is in the area.
RE: MMM-Multimonth
I only want to display a single month, how do I remove the beginning and ending dates from the current month calendar? Also seems like the alignment is off.
RE: working module Raspberry Pi 4 and PIR?
@DariBer Please see this document… this is how I use my PIR to turn off the screen when no one is in front of it.
RE: default calendar - individual icon colors?
@pugsly Figured it out…
.fas.fa-fw.fa-calendar {
color: #ffffff; /* white /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-birthday-cake {
color: #00ffff; / cyan /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-gift {
color: #ffff00; / Yellow /
.fas.fa-fw.fa-institution {
color: #ff0000; / Red /
.fas.fa-fw.fa.fa-building-o {
color: #00ff00; / Lime */ -
RE: {HowTo} turn on/off your monitor (Time based, PIR/Button, App)
@Asphyth That is your monitor, its not coming from the Pi.
RE: MMM-Sunrise-Sunset
@pugsly NVM… the K in apiKey is a capital. Its working now.
RE: MMM-Sunrise-Sunset
Its not passing the API key in the HTML request.https://api.ipgeolocation.io/astronomy?apiKey=&lang=en&lat=39.2907&long=-75.6344 401
RE: MMM-Sunrise-Sunset
@sdetweil said in MMM-Sunrise-Sunset:
cp node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js .
Slightly better, its displaying now but just says ‘Loading’