Re: MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic "breaks" mirror?
I understand this is a year old post - since I haven’t got an answer for my issue, reaching out to this group. I have below code and my map loads for 2 seconds and errors “ops something went wrong”
What am I doing wrong here? Help please!
module: "MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic",
position: "bottom_right",
config: {
key: "I HAVE THIS",
lat: 41.8816281,
lng: -87.6608605,
height: "300px",
width: "300px",
mapTypeId: "roadmap",
styledMapType: "transparent",
disableDefaultUI: "true",
updateInterval: "60000",
backgroundColor: "hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)",
markers: [
lat: 41.8816281,
lng: -87.6608605,
fillColor: "#9966ff"