Ah, OK, seems simple enough.
But why has this not been an issue before with previous MM updates?
Ah, OK, seems simple enough.
But why has this not been an issue before with previous MM updates?
With PM2 installed, MM starts OK.
Ctrl+Q to access desktop, but PM2 kicks in, so how do you get access to the terminal, and desktop with PM2 running?!
Thank you.
Trying to apply the latest updates:
pi@raspberrypi:~/MagicMirror $ git pull && npm install
*** Please tell me who you are.
git config --global user.email “you@example.com”
git config --global user.name “Your Name”
to set your account’s default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.
fatal: empty ident name (for ) not allowed
Hmmmm, black screen, and nothing on a browser at http://192.168.n.nn:8080/ either.
module: 'MMM-PIR-Sensor',
config: {
sensorPIN: 22,
powerSaving: true,
relayPIN: false,
powerSavingDelay: 0,
relayOnState: 1
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
That’s what I have done now, but it is only a fudge, a workaround.
What’s the problem with using config.js to make changes to the compliments module, why doesn’t it work?
Another day, still no change, compliments ignoring whatever is in config.js.
Thank you.
Still not picking up different compliments:
module: 'compliments',
position: 'lower_third',
config: {
anytime: [
morning: [
"Good morning, handsome!",
"Enjoy your day!",
"How was your sleep?"
afternoon: [
"Hello, beauty!",
"You look sexy!",
"Looking good today!"
evening: [
updateInterval: 30000,
remoteFile: null,
fadeSpeed: 4000
/*config: {
remoteFile: 'compliments.json'
Changing it to remoteFile, as described here, it works.
Well, only after it’s still displayed all the default messages.
No difference, still uses default compliments:
config: {
anytime: [
"Compliment 1",
"Compliment 2",
"Compliment 3"
morning: [
"morning Compliment 1",
"morning Compliment 2",
"morning Compliment 3"
afternoon: [
"afternoon Compliment 1",
"afternoon Compliment 2",
"afternoon Compliment 3"
evening: [
"evening Compliment 1",
"evening Compliment 2",
"evening Compliment 3"