@Isaac-the-Man I really like your module. I am almost finished with my MM setup using your module. I would like to know if there is a way to disable the ‘digit reset animation’. While it is interesting, I find it a little too distracting.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Check out my new Nixie Clock module!
MMM-FAA-Delay Replacement
I was disappointed to be told that the FAA added a nonexistent API key which effectively broke the MMM-FAA-Delay module: Stuck at “Loading Airport Data” #3 .
So I did a little digging and found that the FAA maintains a website that contains XML data showing currently affected airports’ status: Airport Status Information.
Today’s status are:<AIRPORT_STATUS_INFORMATION><Update_Time>Fri Feb 2 15:22:15 2024 GMT</Update_Time><Dtd_File>http://www.fly.faa.gov/AirportStatus.dtd</Dtd_File><Delay_type><Name>Ground Delay Programs</Name><Ground_Delay_List><Ground_Delay><ARPT>SFO</ARPT><Reason>runway construction</Reason><Avg>38 minutes</Avg><Max>1 hour and 30 minutes</Max></Ground_Delay></Ground_Delay_List></Delay_type><Delay_type><Name>Airport Closures</Name><Airport_Closure_List><Airport><ARPT>GPT</ARPT><Reason>!GPT 01/213 GPT AD AP CLSD EXC ROTARY WING DLY 0545-1100 2402010545-2402031100</Reason><Start>Feb 01 at 05:45 UTC.</Start><Reopen>Feb 03 at 11:00 UTC.</Reopen></Airport></Airport_Closure_List></Delay_type><Delay_type><Name>Airport Closures</Name><Airport_Closure_List><Airport><ARPT>LAS</ARPT><Reason>!LAS 12/067 LAS AD AP CLSD TO NON SKED TRANSIENT GA ACFT EXC PPR 702-261-7775 2312132300-2403132300</Reason><Start>Dec 13 at 18:00 UTC.</Start><Reopen>Mar 13 at 19:00 UTC.</Reopen></Airport></Airport_Closure_List></Delay_type></AIRPORT_STATUS_INFORMATION>
I was also able to find a file that appears to define all of the elements used in the Airport Status Information XML data: AirportStatus.dtd.
This is a partial listing from that file:<!-- DTD for the testfly.faa.gov XML Airport Status page, which is available at --> <!-- http://testfly.faa.gov/flyfaa/xmlAirportStatus.jsp --> <!-- 2.2 12/16/13 Corrected spec for FCA_Data element (1 per CTOP) and added FCA element --> <!-- 2.2 FCA element quantity is 1 or more; FCA_Name added in FCA element --> <!-- 2.1 11/19/12 Moved the CTOP Avg to the CTOP element --> <!-- 2.0 11/12/12 Added CTOP as a Delay_type --> <!-- 1.2 03/30/06 Lat and Long made into attributes of the Point and Center tags. --> <!-- 1.1 03/15/06 Added the Delay_type called Airspace_Flow_List per ETMS 8.2 AFP Requirements --> <!-- 1.0 06/09/03 Created --> <!ELEMENT AIRPORT_STATUS_INFORMATION (Update_Time, Dtd_File, Delay_type*)> <!ELEMENT Delay_type (Name,(CTOP_List|Airport_Closure_List|Ground_Stop_List|Ground_Delay_List|Airspace_Flow_List|Arrival_Departure_Delay_List))>
I tried using the config for the default newsfeed module to see if it would accept the FAA XML data, but I see that the rss data is defined differently.
And while I’d be happy to attempt to write my own module, I fear that that would take me many, many months given my current knowledge level (…which I am actively working to increase.)
So, my request is to have someone write a replacement for the MMM-FAA-Delay module using the information I uncovered.
Is MMM-FAA-Delay still working?
Re: MMM-FAA-Delay I thought that this would be a nice module to add to my MM, but all I get is Loading airport data…
I noticed in the topic referenced above that the FAA has frequently changed their code and would like to know if they have done so yet again. -
RE: Missing calendar item for daily recurrence
@sdetweil Just letting you know that this fix corrected my issue where my calendar module (setup for iCal) would not show repeating events. The repeating events are showing again. Thanks.
RE: MMM_Bluelinky Fails Overnight
@sdetweil Isn’t that the timeframe for the AutoDimmer? The BlueLinky config is setup by default to update every hour, which it does until sometime in the evening. I just checked the monitor and it was updated 6 minutes ago.
I rebooted it this morning, so I know that BlueLinky’s updated at least twice today.:
MMM_Bluelinky Fails Overnight
My instance of MMM-Bluelinky is failing to refresh at the end of the day. There are no errors listed in the Console. Only that the Bluelinky module refresh pattern just stops:
I’ve truncated the rest of the logfile as it does not show anything different until the very end:
While the Bluelinky module is not being updated, the other modules appear to work just fine: clock, calendar, weather-current, weather-forecast, and news feed.
The Bluelinky module will update and display correctly after restarting MM or rebooting the system. I have tried altering its refreshInterval and wakeOn settings but nothing has worked.
My next test is going to be to disable the AutoDimmer and see what happens.
Any help or direction would be appreciated.
RE: Missing calendar item for daily recurrence
@sdetweil Could this also affect a calendar module setup for iCal that is now failing to show repeating events? I noticed that my MM calendar does not show any of the repeating events currently on our iCal. I have just started troubleshooting this, but I’ll stop if it’s a know issue.
RE: MMM-Bluelinky module still working?
@rrslssr Well, I got it working. It seems that Hyundai does not allow data access to people designated as additional drivers. Once my wife recovered her pin, I was able to use her credentials and gain access.
RE: MMM-Bluelinky module still working?
How does one go about troubleshooting this module?
I initially loaded the MMM-Bluelinky module and ran npm install.
All I got from the module on screen is: “Loading …”.I searched and found the information that @ojolli stated about dependencies in package.json, and changed the bluelinky version to “8.2.1”, and ran npm install again.
I still only get “Loading …” on screen.I checked the Console for errors, but there are none.
I have verified that my email, password and PIN are correct, and that I have access to the data via my MyHyundai iOS app. I have also tried my wife’s credentials which also failed.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Shared icloud calendar
Here’s what I used to troubleshoot my initial iCloud calendar problems. Running vdirsyncer discover shows your current setup (respond with N to escape the command):
Discovering collections for pair iCloud_to_MagicMirror Mirror: iCloud: - "25CB285C-E163-4E0E-B420-C3FB469B7C00" ("Calendar 1") - "9221FEE8-E8B4-4D07-9402-8638529919EC" ("Calendar 2") - "953A5477-E405-4ED6-A5C3-473444EACC95" ("Calendar 3") warning: No collection "9221FEE8-E8B4-4D07-9402-8638529919EC" found for storage Mirror. Should vdirsyncer attempt to create it? [y/N]:
You can then check the directory: ~/.vdirsyncer/status/iCloud_to_MagicMirror and see the files associated with your calendars.
Each file’s date should be current and the file size should be non-zero.
If a date is not current then something is broken in the process of retrieving that calendar’s data.
If the date is current and the file contains data, then there is something amiss beyond that point…possibly with the config.js entries.