It still did not come on this morning :frowning_face: . I just ran tail -130 ~/.pm2/logs/mm-out.log
and found these results:
MMM-ModuleScheduler is removing all scheduled jobs
MMM-ModuleScheduler is scheduling REMOTE_ACTION using "30 9 * * *
MMM-ModuleScheduler has scheduled REMOTE_ACTION
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send REMOTE_ACTION at Fri Jan 18 2019 09:30:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
MMM-ModuleScheduler is scheduling REMOTE_ACTION using "30 23 * * *
MMM-ModuleScheduler has scheduled REMOTE_ACTION
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send REMOTE_ACTION at Thu Jan 17 2019 23:30:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
MMM-ModuleScheduler is scheduling REMOTE_ACTION using "0 2 * * SUN
MMM-ModuleScheduler has scheduled REMOTE_ACTION
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send REMOTE_ACTION at Sun Jan 20 2019 02:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
MMM-ModuleScheduler received CREATE_GLOBAL_SCHEDULE
MMM-ModuleScheduler is creating a global schedule for all modules using "15 9 * * *" and "45 23 * * *" with dim level undefined
MMM-ModuleScheduler has created the global schedule for all modules
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next show all modules at Fri Jan 18 2019 09:15:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next hide all modules at Thu Jan 17 2019 23:45:00 GMT-0500 (EST)
Again later in the output I found:
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send SEND_NOTIFICATION to REMOTE_ACTION at Fri Jan 18 2019 23:30:00 GMT-0500 (EST) based on "30 23 * * *"
Powering off HDMI
MMM-ModuleScheduler is sending HIDE_MODULES to undefined
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send HIDE_MODULES to undefined at Fri Jan 18 2019 23:45:00 GMT-0500 (EST) based on "45 23 * * *"
MMM-ModuleScheduler is sending SHOW_MODULES to undefined
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send SHOW_MODULES to undefined at Sat Jan 19 2019 09:15:00 GMT-0500 (EST) based on "15 9 * * *"
MMM-ModuleScheduler will next send SEND_NOTIFICATION to REMOTE_ACTION at Sat Jan 19 2019 09:30:00 GMT-0500 (EST) based on "30 9 * * *"
Powering on HDMI with preferred settings
So it looks like the schedule works and it is trying to turn the monitor on, it just didn’t work. (Thanks @dazza120 I don’t think the schedule was working before.) This morning when the monitor didn’t come on per the schedule, I used the remote web page, it came on fine. How can I find out why the monitor did not come on with the schedule??