I’ve been using MMM-BackgroundSlideshow, it allows me to randomly display an image from 1000’s stored in a many level folder structure on my NAS.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: module for mm background
RE: MMM-Awesome-Alexa - Hide/ShowModules and other
I know you can do this with MMM-AlexaOnOff. Or perhaps you can see how it is done there and do something similar with MMM-Awesome-Alexa?
RE: Considering taking donations to support the MagicMirror project. Interested in your thoughts!
I’m quite new and have enjoyed this forum, but don’t know how long I’ll be hanging around. It looks to me like those that have posted above me are already some of your greatest contributors - with their time, skills and help. I also don’t know much about ad revenues or the amount of traffic your forum is getting. I would suspect though, that you will be better off getting some corporate sponsorship and allowing some non-intrusive ads. I do run an adblocker but it is simple enough to require white listing to view content. I don’t mind the ads if they are relevant and not obnoxious. I’m a paypal fan myself.
And thanks for what you have built over the last 5 years, it is truly wonderful.
RE: MONITORON on does not work in schedule
Re: MONITORON on does not work in schedule
So for the last two days, this has been working correctly. I think it may be a combination of @dazza120 fix to my config, not messing with the pi for a full 2 days to let it fully run through it’s schedule, and removing openGL.
RE: Application not starting when OpenGL is enabled
@anthony Hi, I found this post maybe it will help? Also, custom.css is for all modules is in the css directory.
@strawberry-3-141 said in MMM-forecast-io -- Localized up to the minute weather:
.MODULENAME { transform: scale(0.5, 0.5); }
if you replace modulename with your actual module name, this should give you a height and with of 50% of the actual size
RE: Application not starting when OpenGL is enabled
@dazza120 Thanks, I’m not using video, so I’ll look into this. I’ll also look at system stats.
RE: A way to add image name to MMM-BackgroundSlideshow?
FWIW, I did manage to do this. I added a line 155 to the MMM-BackgroundSlideshow.js:
image.src = encodeURI(this.imageList[this.imageIndex]); this.sendNotification("IMAGEFILEPATH", image.src); //my stuff
Then I created a small module that displayed the notification.
Module.register("MMM-ShowMessage", { defaults: {}, getDom: function() { var element = document.createElement("div"); element.className = this.config.size; element.id = "IMGPATHFILE"; return element; }, notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { switch(notification) { case "IMAGEFILEPATH": var elem = document.getElementById("IMGPATHFILE") var subpayload = payload.substring(53) elem.innerHTML = subpayload break } }, });
In my config.js I just added:
{ module: "MMM-ShowMessage", position: "bottom_left", config: { size: "small" } },
Now each time the image changes a notification is sent and picked up by the show message module which displays it on screen. I trim the path because the beginning was consistent among all the pictures.
RE: Application not starting when OpenGL is enabled
@dazza120 I was also running OpenGL because mostly of this thread. I was/am concerned about temps, my pi is stuck in a wall and I’m running modules for background images, weather, nests, calendar and newsfeeds. When I first tried the fake and full I was having startup problems so started using pm2 which fixed them. I just now performed a very unscientific comparison. I ran under each driver and compared the average 15 minute processor usage (after 30 minutes).
Full - .62
Fake - .45
Orig - .36
I wasn’t smart enough to pay attention to the other stats :frowning_face: . But for now I am going to follow your recommendation and drop OpenGL. Thanks. -
RE: Application not starting when OpenGL is enabled
@anthony I am also noob. But, I installed pm2 and it allowed me to run OpenGL. I think it keeps electron and other running processes from using up all memory and will help.
RE: Application not starting when OpenGL is enabled
Are you using pm2? I was having same issue, and was able to resolve by following pm2 setup process.