@Jopyth Amazing work so far!
Can’t wait for the ‘finished’ product (read: next major version).
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
RE: Halloween mirror ghouls anyone?
I did
sudo apt-get install omxplayer
and included a video using<video>
tags in the helloworld module.
It works great!
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
RE: Looking for beta testers for MMM-Remote-Control
I’ve joined…
Tried some and ran into some trouble…
Will give you a more detailed report when I have the time…I noticed all parameters and values in config.js are wrapped in quotes…
Maybe that’s why I’m seeing0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/js/main.js @38: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'wrapper.appendChild') 0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/js/main.js @130: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'moduleWrapper.getElementsByClassName')
The second line is repeated a couple of time (for each module?)…
And when I tried to save eanbled/disabled modules from the remote, the pm2 logs showed an error about insufficient rights…
Sorry for not having the error log…The config.js now looks like (just a small part):
var config = { "port": 8080, "kioskmode": false, "language": "nl", "timeFormat": 24, "units": "metric", "modules": [ { "module": "MMM-Remote-Control", "config": {} }, { "module": "clock", "position": "top_left", "header": "", "config": { "displayType": "digital", "timeFormat": 24, "displaySeconds": false, "showPeriod": false, "showPeriodUpper": false, "clockBold": false, "showDate": false, "analogSize": "100px", "analogFace": "simple", "analogPlacement": "bottom", "analogShowDate": "top", "secondsColor": "#888888" } }, ''' etcetera...
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
I did some suggestions (or feature requests as you wish) in the past and since they were all implemented (thanks!!!) it’s time for some more…
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to open up the magicmirror ‘homepage’ from your remote?
Sometimes when I enable/disable modules I would like to see the changes without having to actually go to the mirror to see the changes. So a simple shortcut on the remote to open the ‘homepage’ in a new tab would be great.
And how awesome would it be if this remote could be developed towards something like a GUI for the config.js?!
This means it needs to be part of the core, so it can read all (possible) parameters from each module and make them editable (with the availbale values/options) in a ‘remote config’ web gui.Possible uses:
- enable and disable modules (instead of hiding: very useful for your background Halloween video)
- move modules from one region to another
- change headers
- change newsfeedurl or update api key
- etc.
RE: Halloween mirror ghouls anyone?
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!
Markdown is not available from my Android smartphone. I don’t have the correct character available…
And it’s a little too much to ask, to look-up the character on the web, so I can copy it… -
RE: Looking for beta testers for MMM-Remote-Control
@Jopyth The console messages are from the pm2 logs…
I run MM as the default user (pi) and didn’t set any special rights for any folders or files…
Now that you mention it, it could be that the saving of the shown/hidden modules didn’t work before either.BTW: I’m running MM on a Pi Zero (so using ‘serveronly’).
Edit: now that I think about it: I do have a HelloWorld module enabled which already used single and double quotes before. So maybe there’s a conflict with the added quotes. I will look in to this this weekend.
RE: [Remote-Control] Shutdown, Configure and Update your MagicMirror
@Jopyth Thank you for the great update.
I see you have implemented some of my suggestions, which makes me very happy.I still hope to see this evolve into a config GUI some day…
RE: Looking for beta testers for MMM-Remote-Control
This morning (CET) I have a little more time to do bug reports, troubleshoot and answer some of your questions.
So, first things first.My node version:
About the config backups:
I noticed the that the double quotes were added to the keys and values before the backup was made.
This means I don’t have a backup of the true original.
It also means I can only compare the current config file to the backup and not the the original.Another thing I noticed is that backupfile got overwritten this morning.
Because my MagicMirror is still a work in progress it’s powered off most of the time.
When I tried to reproduce the issues I came across last time I noticed that the first backup I made was saved as config.js.backup1, overwriting a previous backup.
At least for me this wasn;t expected behaviour and I don’t think it’s how I wish to save (or lose) my backups.About saving hidden/shown modules:
As I said before, I haven’t set any special permisions and I’m using the default useron my Pi Zero:pi
Becasue there’s no keyboard and mouse attached (the Pi Zero’s micro usb port is used for a wifi dongle) I use ssh and scp (and of cource the Remote!) to do most editing, testing and troubleshooting.
On saving the current state of hidden/shown modules the pm2 logs reported this:
On hiding the helloworld module:0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/modules/MMM-Remote-Control//MMM-Remote-Control.js @219: [object Object] 0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/js/logger.js @20: helloworld is suspended. 0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/js/module.js @313: TypeError: Object is not a function (evaluating 'callback()')
On saving the current state directly after:
0|mm | ** Message: console message: http://localhost:8080/modules/MMM-Remote-Control//MMM-Remote-Control.js @219: [object Object] 0|mm | Whoops! There was an uncaught exception... 0|mm | { Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control/settings.json' 0|mm | at Error (native) 0|mm | errno: -13, 0|mm | code: 'EACCES', 0|mm | syscall: 'open', 0|mm | path: '/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control/settings.json' } 0|mm | MagicMirror will not quit, but it might be a good idea to check why this happened. Maybe no internet connection? 0|mm | If you think this really is an issue, please open an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/issues
This can be reproduced every time when I follow these steps.
I you need any specific testing, please let me know and I’ll try to find the time.