That looks fantastic. Well done
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: [MMM-FrameLight] Control LED strip via touch and notifications (+ voice)
RE: Sun Intensity
@dazz maybe have a look at the PVOutput module which is intended to display data from your solar system ( if you upload data to PVOutput) if you don’t have a solar system uploading to PVOutput you could browse the available systems in your area and display their data.
It would give you a graph of the current solar intensity through out the day.
RE: After update, chrome-sandbox needs root and mode 4655?
@sdetweil cheers thankyou for your fine work
RE: After update, chrome-sandbox needs root and mode 4655?
I realize this is an old topic but the issue has raised its head a couple of times for me recently doing fresh installs on Debian 10 ( not on a Pi but on some intel boxes)
The OP’s solution in the first post resolved it problem - Thankyou
RE: MMM-MyWeather not working with Southern Hemisphere co-ordinates
Unfortunately BOM lately has made changes to their site which is preventing accessing their data claiming it’s scraping but they provide a JSON file which I’m accessing (for part of it anyway) so my module no longer works- I’ve changed things a couple of times to circumvent the issue but it keeps coming back so I’m going to look at other ways to access the data. One that looks promising is WillyWeather. It is a paid service based on the number of access’s billed monthly. But it appears to be very cheap - It looks like for one Magic Mirror accessing data from one weather station and radar image works out at less than $10 a year.
When accessing the BOM currently they return a message to fill in a request form and some one will make contact - I filled in their form a couple of months ago and am yet to receive a response. Maybe when they get the servers sorted out things might change…. -
RE: Weather station for MagicMirror and SmartHome wanted
@majorc It looks like EVE uses apple Home kit. Maybe something in here
might be of use or possibly point you in the right direction.
I use a weather station that exports to Wunderground then use a MMM- Module ( to pull the observations from wunderground ( There is quiet a bit of lag between updates and it seems to do metric to imperial and back to conversions on the site so accuracy leaves a bit to be desired so I wouldnt recomend using Wunderground. There are heaps of weather stations on ebay that directly upload to Wunderground so while its not ideal it does work,
Keeping your data local like EVE claims would be beneficial.
RE: MMM-MyWeather not working with Southern Hemisphere co-ordinates
yes the XML issue was a problem but I got around that by downloading the XML then as sdetweil suggested using XLM2JS to convert the file to JSON which I could ten search for the relevant fields unfortunately its not very tidy and needs customizing for each site.
IF you want to have a look at how Ive done it the files are here am not by any means a programmer - just kept hacking away at the weather module till it did what I wanted - Im sure there are better ways to do it… hopefully it is help full any way
RE: MMM-MyWeather not working with Southern Hemisphere co-ordinates
@harney thats a pitty the BOM doesnt have close data for your site.
I have found that all the regular weather providers (Open weather, darksky etc) forecasts and observations are less than adequate for Oz.So I have been reworking the Weather Module from WallberryTheme to use Aus govs BOM data. getting observations was easier enough as they provide that in JSON format which makes it some what easy but they only provide XML data for forecasts and the format is different for every site :( so my plans to “release” my module have stalled. because it has to be customised for each site.
RE: 7" and 5" displays
@harney Thats good Your on a winner :)
I shelved my Iphone project till I can get my hands on some dark window tint to bring it under control -