Anyone? @MichMich ?
Apologies for the belated response, I’ve been traveling for work. Here’s a list of the modules…
3rd Party modules
What browser does MM use? I’m asking because I added an iFrame to display Weather radar, and it does not render certain elements. I used the same iFrame in a different Mirror app (Evan Cohen - Smart Mirror) and it renders fine there but not in MM. See attached screenshots of it working in the Smart Mirror app and a 2nd screenshot where it is rendering only partially in MM
As a side note, the link renders in the Chromium browser but not in the built in Raspberry browser.
@mochman Works like a charm! The only thing I would like to see is the fan icon if the fan is running without the AC or Heat on.
@KirAsh4 Deployed PM2, and works as described. Thanks!
@KirAsh4 Thanks again. I ran memtester and everything was reported ok. I’m now going to use forcefsck and see what it finds.
@KirAsh4 Yes, I bought the CanaKit 5V 2.5A Raspberry Pi 3 Power Supply