@zach awesome… thanks… another set of interesting info… had not seen pi-top before
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: My 2-hour Google Home-enabled Magic Mirror (full guide)
RE: Black screen after MM v2.4.0 update.
@shane1234 if u have the PIR module loaded, and do ctrl-shift-i (lower case letter i), it will open the debug env, and then select the console tab… do you see any errors?
also, if u start from a terminal window, alt-spacebar, n will minimze the mirror screen so you can see the terminal window node_helper outputs… anything there?
usually a module.js error kills with MM screen…
RE: config file issue
@oj96 said in config file issue:
accessToken: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
lists: [ “inbox”],
interval: 60
fade: true
modules: [well, a bunch of problems…
1 you have the wrong single and double quotes here… do NOT use a word processing editor… only a text editor… (nano or gedit or vi)…
2. missing comma after accesstoken line and interval lineand u have two modules: [ blocks…
quick way to test your config for syntax… copy/paste it all to jslint.com
check long lines, single quotes, and whitespace mess at the bottom, then press jslintthen copy/paste it back to the config.js file.
RE: Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!
@erycken said in Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!:
loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries//MMM-MyTraktSeries.js
module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js
loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-MyTraktSeries/MMM-MyTraktSeries.css
loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
translator.js:170 MMM-MyTraktSeries - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json
loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-MyTraktSeries
MMM-MyTraktSeries.js:22 Starting module: MMM-MyTraktSeries
main.js:422 All modules started!
module.js:156 MMM-MyTraktSeries received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED
module.js:154 calendar received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweatherso, from the log, your module is loaded and running…
so, what do you do to present info? how does your module respond to the getDom() method call?
that is how it provides data to be displayed… -
RE: Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!
can u scroll back up in the debug log, to the top…
and alsominimize the mirror screen, alt-spacebar, n
to be able to see the console windowi just installed 2.4.1 on my new pi… and its working fine…
RE: localhost:8080 shows MagicMirror, but Electron just shows a blank screen
did u just download MM again to do the install? there was an update saturday night which included a change to fix this black screen problem
RE: Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!
@erycken bummer, u need keyboard access to the MM screen to do the ctrl-shift-i…
you could restart the mm in dev mode to do the same thing, but u will need keyboard access to select the console tab
RE: Newbie to everything - Error in module and cant work out why!
@erycken press ctrl-shift-i (lower case letter i) to open the debug console and select the console tab, you may have to scroll back to see if the module reported an error here
RE: [NEWBIE] Change In Clock Module Is giving error in config file
@postremalone no… the timezone is based ont he javascript moment…
see here, you can use any/all of each line… yours I think could be
https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/blob/develop/data/packed/latest.json -
MMM-ImagesPhotos hide black screen between images
I am building a digital photo frame, large (cheaper that buying one). anyhow, using a linked folder to my linux box with a samba server…
all is good, except, between images there is a big black screen… is there a way (with the html approach) to hide the image transition?
I know in one of my modules, I had to write code to wait for the image load completed before showing the image, but I am writing directly to electron apis
my config
{ module: "MMM-ImagesPhotos", position: "middle_center", config: { opacity: 0.9, animationSpeed: 500, updateInterval: 20000, } }