Maybe try changing the % to %25. This is the escape sequence for a percent sign in a url.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: stuck with MMM-RTSP module
RE: [MMM-iFrameReload]: iFrame won't load
Adding square brackets around the URL got mine to work. (After changing the title to MMM-iFrameReload) I don’t recall if it still threw the error about the helper module loading or not.
url: ‘’,
url: [‘’], -
RE: MMM-Wunderground - 2 locations gives duplicate data from the first location
I fixed it by reverting to a 9/17/2016 release. Not the most elegant and I may try to move forward again so my wind isn’t in Beaufort Scale. :)
The pws keys I showed work and can be verified by going through a regular web browser to Wunderground. Having 2 locations report the same weather is what got me to try different codes, and I was happy to learn that the city and airport identifiers work.
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
@Crispis Thanks for posting it. I think you’re missing a comma after appid in the weatherforecast and currentweather modules. Being at the end that may not be it, I seem to have instances where they aren’t on the last line either.
You said it works without the Wunderground module, correct? Could it be setting the language to Dutch without having Dutch selected in the International Settings within raspi-config? It sure looks okay unless there’s a hidden symbol in there. How are you editing it on the mirror?
Here’s mine if you want to try.
{ module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', header: 'Ankeny Weather', config: { apikey: 'api key here', pws: 'KIKV', hourly: '0', fcdaycount: '7', fade: 'false', fadePoint: '1', alerttime: 10000, UseCardinals: 1, roundTmpDecs: 1, } },
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
CO/Denver should be okay as that’s the same format I’m using for one of my entries which is AZ/Yuma. You could also try an airport identifier such as KDEN for Denver International.As for saving the file, I assume you’re copying and pasting from Putty? Does turning off word wrap make it any better? Could you copy from putty and paste it in here as a code block?
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
@Crispis Can you post your full config.js please? (if the above is just truncated) I’m wondering if there’s something just before the MMM-Wunderground module that’s causing you grief.
RE: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
@Crispis I’m not sure, but I think you may not need the comma after the ending curly bracket if you only have 1 item in modules. (3rd line from the bottom) I think that might be why config: { } doesn’t get an ending comma.
RE: How do you switch on / off, wake up yours?
I just use a cron job to put the screen to sleep at 11pm and turn it back on at 7am. My schedule is routine enough that this works well for me.
crontab -e
00 23 * * * /home/pi/ >/dev/null # JOB_ID_1 0 7 * * * /home/pi/ >/dev/null # JOB_ID_2
#!/bin/bash vcgencmd display_power 0 # export DISPLAY=:0.0 # xset dpms force off
#!/bin/bash vcgencmd display_power 1 # export DISPLAY=:0 # xset dpms force on # xset s reset
MMM-Wunderground - 2 locations gives duplicate data from the first location
Mr. Wizard, help please. :)
I updated the MMM-Wunderground module tonight which pulled a new version. However, now I have Yuma, Arizona weather showing up for both Yuma, and Des Moines, Iowa. I know it’s unseasonably warm, but it wasn’t 90. :)
Config, that has been working properly.{ module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', header: 'Yuma Weather', config: { apikey: 'removed', pws: 'AZ/Yuma', hourly: '0', fcdaycount: '7', fade: 'false', fadePoint: '1', alerttime: 10000, UseCardinals: 1, roundTmpDecs: 1, } }, { module: 'MMM-WunderGround', position: 'top_right', header: 'Ankeny Weather', config: { apikey: 'removed', pws: 'KIKV', hourly: '0', fcdaycount: '7', fade: 'false', fadePoint: '1', alerttime: 10000, UseCardinals: 1, roundTmpDecs: 1, } },
And the results:
Alert box size?
Our National Weather Service can be quite verbose in their watches and warnings. I’ve tried to make the Alert box change size by adding the following to the custom.css however I don’t have it right yet.
.ns-alert { top 10% width 10% }
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets for easier reading!