I also believe you should not waste your time creating your own OS.
If you wish to do this purely for learning this can be done by taking a current OS and just strip it down to what you need. You’ll also get more enjoyment creating something others can use as well. So stick with Magic Mirror and expand on it you’ll learn just as much and others can benefit, while you learn you can also be teaching. :winking_face:
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Writing my own OS
RE: Writing my own OS
Although I did state I thought creating your own OS was a waste of time. It may have been a bad choice of words. Lots of people state “why reinvent the wheel?” well if that were the case we’d all be using wooden wheels on our autos. The statement of “creating my Own OS” makes me think this won’t be shared with a sharing community.
If everyone created their own MM modules and didn’t share where would MM be?
I also don’t wish to discourage anyone from learning and creating something new and my OP definitely came across like that. That was not my intention.