I’m very new to magic mirrors, and so maybe my issue is obvious, and in that case I’m sorry. I’m trying to use the mmm-reddit module to pull from just one subreddit, but it’ll only work for me, if I set it to multiple subreddits.

Here’s the setup that doesn’t work for me:

{ module: "MMM-Reddit", position: "top_right", config: { subreddit: ["showerthoughts"], showHeader: false, headerType: "sentence", displayType: "headlines", count: 4, show: 4, width: 360, showRank: false, showScore: false, showSubreddit: false, showNumComments: false, colorText: false, showThumbnail: false, showGilded: false, } },

Here’s the setup that does work for me:

{ module: "MMM-Reddit", position: "top_right", config: { subreddit: ["NintendoSwitch", "Showerthoughts", "Denmark"], showHeader: false, headerType: "sentence", displayType: "headlines", count: 4, show: 4, width: 360, showRank: false, showScore: false, showSubreddit: false, showNumComments: false, colorText: false, showThumbnail: false, showGilded: false, } },

Any good suggestions? I’m kind of lost 😕.

Thank you very much!