I replaced my firewall with a better one so I could do some caps and have more granular control but didn’t seem to make a difference. I updated the code on Saturday, we’ll see if it holds. Thanks.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Weather not updating periodically
RE: Weather not updating periodically
@bhepler - It does properly update after a reload. I’m not sure how long it works after the reload, since the weather doesn’t change all that often I’m looking at the WU analytics page but thats not very granular.
Weather not updating periodically
Re: Weatherunderground - currently - hourly - daily - configurable
I noticed several other people posting about similar issues, but the Weatherunderground module periodically stops updating on my setup. I checked the Analytics page from WU and see the calls simply stop. The other modules (Google calendar, NY times feed) continue to update and the device remains reachable on the network. I watched the MM logs for a bit but didn’t see anything unusual. Has anyone else experienced this?
RE: Facial Recognition - customize your mirror for every user!
Potentially stupid question here, apologies in advance if I’ve missed something obvious. I have the mirror and the face recognition working (Yay!) but when it’s running, on the left side of the screen it shows “MMM-Facial-Recognition” and module-10-mmm-facial-recognition underneath. I though about removing the position tag, but that’s there in the readme version so did not. How do I remove the text showing the running facial recognition module?