Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Replacing Radar Sensing module (RCWL-0516) in place of PIR Sensor
wishmaster270 Module Developerlast edited by wishmaster270 Nov 29, 2022, 7:32 PM Nov 29, 2022, 7:10 PM
@Rags Hi, I don’t use the Pir module you mentioned so do not know if there is a option to control the behaviour.
You can use my GPIO module in combination with my screensaver module to do the job. I wrote a howto to do this -
@wishmaster270 Thanks for the info. However, i have a small query,
The PIR sensor has a configurable time delay which keeps the Pin “high” even after no motion is detected. However, the RCWL has no such provision.
In the config, is the delay value* for keeping the monitor “ON”, independent of the PIR time delay ? If it is so then once the RCWL detects motion the pin will be ‘high’ momentarily then go ‘low’. But the delay should keep the monitor ‘ON’ as per value(in seconds).
Please confirm if my understanding of the function is correct.
module: ‘MMM-Screen-Powersave-Notification’,
config: {
delay: 60, “*THIS VALUE”
profiles: {
“pageOneEverone pageTwoEveryone”: 600
} -
@Rags Hi and correct.
The screen save module has a counter that will be counted to zero. If zero is reached the monitor will be shut off.
If the GPIO is triggered (because of the motion sensor) it sends a notification to the screen module. If the monitor is turned off it will be set on and the timer is reset. If it is on only the timer is resetted. -
@wishmaster270 Wow and thanks once again. Mission successful. I installed and configured the RCWL-0516 Radar sensor successfully with your modules as described by you. It was very smooth going with no hiccups. Now the MM is decluttered with no PIR sensor sticking out of the frame. The radar sensor has been conveniently placed behind the mirror and it is working perfectly through the glass. As the delay is configurable i am able to set it as per my requirement.
Thanks. -
@Rags You are welcome. Great if it works.