Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
cronjob vcgencmd display_power
@mumblebaj ya even this didnt work, maybe i need to change my boot/config file back to kms
@megagprime anybody have any ideas why this doesnt work and should i change my boot file?
Did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same issue -
@Nneuland nope, still no dice. building a new mm now, will update
@megagprime @Nneuland depending on the board firmware, the vcgencmd may or may not work
this was reported and worked thru in the fall.
see -
@sdetweil hi there, i still dont see a fix or alternative workaround. The commands themselves work i just cant get it to work with cronjon :(
@megagprime what user is cron executing them as?
what user do you use when testing?
cron is root by default unless u add another parm for the username
@sdetweil i use sudo for cron and root vcgencmd display_power for the command.
no idea if i am doing this right but like i said, i used to work lol
@sdetweil i use sudo for cron and have tried root and just the vcgencmd, neither work
@megagprime I think vcgencmd needs a DISPLAY env variable