Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-IdF-Transport - Never Miss Your Train/Metro/Bus/Tram in Île-de-France(Paris)!
Hello !
I have trouble getting the right StopPoint for the bus stations and metro stations I want.
I searched in
but I can’t find some bus stops.Can you explain us for instance how to get StopPointID for Bus 29 at Bastille stop direction Porte de Reuilly ?
Thanks -
@zarg404 Hello,
The stop point you’re looking for is “STIF:StopPoint:Q:463562:”, sadly this stop point is shared between few buses and the line filtering hasn’t been yet implemented into the module.
In order to find your stop point you can look for it in the following map then one you get the stop_id, you take the numerique value (for IDFM:463562 it is 463562 and you insert it into the stoppoint “STIF:StopPoint:Q:XXXXX:” (dont forget the “:” in the end)
You can get a stop point for an area or for a stop, details here :
PS : Line 29 don’t go to Porte de Reuilly but line 87 do.
@zarg404 Also you can try the API following this link : in order to try your stoppoint ID
This post is deleted! -
@Nisnis39 Do you plan to add a filter to this module ? And maybe a way to order the results ?
thanks -
@zarg404 I made a PR for filtering the number of Stops to show
@zarg404 It’s been added
Thanks for the work.
I made a modification on my side to get number of minutes instead of ETA.
Not super good at git nor dev so bellow is the modification I made if someone is interested and want to upadate the module.regards
code update --> MMM-Idf-Transport.js
replace all function --> createDataRow: function (routeObj)
with :createDataRow: function (routeObj) {
if (isNaN(routeObj.service.ExpectedDepartureTime))
return null;// Calculate the difference in minutes between current time and departure time let currentTime = moment(); let departureTime = moment(routeObj.service.ExpectedDepartureTime); let minutesDifference = departureTime.diff(currentTime, 'minutes'); // Create the row let row = document.createElement("tr"); let line = document.createElement("td"); line.className = "line"; line.innerHTML = routeObj.route.ID_Line; if (line.innerHTML) line.innerHTML = routeObj.route.lineHtml; row.appendChild(line); let destination = document.createElement("td"); destination.className = "destination"; destination.innerHTML = this.getDisplayString(routeObj.service.DestinationDisplay[0].value); row.appendChild(destination); let departure = document.createElement("td"); departure.className = "departure"; // Display the difference in minutes departure.innerHTML = `${minutesDifference} min`; row.appendChild(departure); return row;
Hi everyone,
Thanks a lot for you guys’ work on this project, it will be quite helpful when I get it working on my machine.
I currently have two issues:- I live in a city with two trainlines passing through the train station. I would be interested in seeing timetables for both lines, but I cannot get it working. One trainline or the other is fine, but not both.
- For some reason, the module displays past trains. I used @splaliv845 code to convert the time to minutes to departure, and now I have negative values because the trains displayed are already gone. Any idea as to why, and how to correct it ?
Thanks again guys !
@Horyzon are you using two module instances in config.js for the two trains.
for the negative times l if the time is negative don’t display that train