Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to Change MMM-DWD-WarnWeather Module for Switzerland
Ok i understand. But i have problems to transfer this to my module.
the simplified structure of my json looks like this:
result = { "alarms": [ { "id":49664, ... "regions": [ { "id":40, "name_de":"Agglo BE", "name_fr":"Agglo BE", "name_it":"Agglo BE" } ], ... }, }
Now i tried as a first test to display some stuff of my JSON.
var regionId = 0; // Later i want to create a for-loop with this console.log (result['alarms'][regionId]['regions']);
With this i got something like:
"id":40, "name_de":"Agglo BE", "name_fr":"Agglo BE", "name_it":"Agglo BE"
But then i tried
console.log (result['alarms'][regionId]['regions']['name_de']); AND console.log (result['alarms'][regionId]['regions'][1]);
But this gives me
as answer… I dont understand why…?
Very strange is also that i no more see the regions when i delete the last bracket again… then i get[Object][Object]
as Answer!? And when i Start again with only the [‘alarms’] Bracket i can see all the Warnings and then again also the regions with [‘alarms’][regionId][‘regions’] -
returnsAgglo BE
you have to access arrays[]
with the index (starting with 0) and access objects{}
with the property names -
@strawberry-3-141 thank you for your fast and competent answer.
This is what i did now:
...... request ( { url: url, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { var result = JSON.parse(body); var warningData = []; for (var regionId in result['alarms']) { if (result['alarms'][regionId]['regions'][0]['name_de'] == region) { var warnings = new Object(); warnings.start = result['alarms'][regionId]['valid_from']; warningData.push(warnings.start); warnings.end = result['alarms'][regionId]['valid_to']; warningData.push(warnings.end); warnings.regionName = result['alarms'][regionId]['regions'][0]['name_de']; warningData.push(warnings.regionName); warnings.level = result['alarms'][regionId]['priority'] warningData.push(warnings.level); warnings.type = result['alarms'][regionId]['code'] warningData.push(warnings.type); warnings.altitudeStart = undefined; warningData.push(warnings.altitudeStart); if (warnings.type == 1){warnings.event = "Frost";} else if (warnings.type == 2){warnings.event = "Gewitter";} else if (warnings.type == 3){warnings.event = "Grossflächige Glätte";} else if (warnings.type == 4){warnings.event = "Kräftiger Regen";} else if (warnings.type == 5){warnings.event = "Schnee";} else if (warnings.type == 6){warnings.event = "Sturm";} else if (warnings.type == 7){warnings.event = "Hochwasser";} warningData.push(warnings.event); warnings.headline = result['alarms'][regionId]['de']['title']; warningData.push(warnings.headline); warnings.description = result['alarms'][regionId]['de']['paragraph']; warningData.push(warnings.description); } } self.sendSocketNotification('WARNINGS_DATA', {warnings: warningData, region: region}); console.log(warnings); console.log(warningData) }); .......
Now i got the following outputs:
// With console.log(warnings); { start: '2017-01-16T21:00:00.000Z', end: '2017-01-19T00:00:00.000Z', regionName: 'Seeland/Bielersee', level: 1, type: 6, altitudeStart: undefined, event: 'Sturm', headline: 'Starke Windböen', description: 'eisige Bise. 21 Uhr bis Do 00 Uhr' } // With console.log (warningData) [ '2017-01-17T00:00:00.000Z', '2017-01-18T23:00:00.000Z', 'Seeland/Bielersee', 1, 3, undefined, 'Grossflächige Glätte', 'Gefahr von grossflächiger Glätte', 'durch Schneeglätte. Di 00 Uhr bis Mi 23 Uhr', '2017-01-16T21:00:00.000Z', '2017-01-19T00:00:00.000Z', 'Seeland/Bielersee', 1, 6, undefined, 'Sturm', 'Starke Windböen', 'eisige Bise. 21 Uhr bis Do 00 Uhr' ]
My Problem now is that my Output is still looking different than his output. And when i get 2 warnings for the same Region the Output goes into the same Array… By the Way… Why i get only one Warning for the region with
Here is the Output example of his module:
[ { start: 1484586000000, end: 1484650800000, regionName: 'Kreis Harburg', ..... state: 'Niedersachsen' }, { start: 1484586000000, end: 1484650800000, regionName: 'Kreis Harburg', ....... state: 'Niedersachsen' } ]
@Squirrel you are pushing every single propertie to the array instead of the whole object
if (result['alarms'][regionId]['regions'][0]['name_de'] == region) { var warnings = {}; warnings.start = result['alarms'][regionId]['valid_from']; warnings.end = result['alarms'][regionId]['valid_to']; warnings.regionName = result['alarms'][regionId]['regions'][0]['name_de']; warnings.level = result['alarms'][regionId]['priority'] warnings.type = result['alarms'][regionId]['code'] warnings.altitudeStart = undefined; if (warnings.type == 1){warnings.event = "Frost";} else if (warnings.type == 2){warnings.event = "Gewitter";} else if (warnings.type == 3){warnings.event = "Grossflächige Glätte";} else if (warnings.type == 4){warnings.event = "Kräftiger Regen";} else if (warnings.type == 5){warnings.event = "Schnee";} else if (warnings.type == 6){warnings.event = "Sturm";} else if (warnings.type == 7){warnings.event = "Hochwasser";} warnings.headline = result['alarms'][regionId]['de']['title']; warnings.description = result['alarms'][regionId]['de']['paragraph']; warningData.push(warnings); }
try this instead
Thanks again for fast Answer! Now everything is working. Im so happy! :)
I have just one last Question. I tried to run both modules at the same time. This is giving me problems. The Icons are too much big and i cant see something else…
I changed all the names of the module files and folders and i have no idea where i can find this fault. I think nobody gonna us this two modules at the same time but i want to upload my module for other users and if somebody is using both of them i dont want to destroy @LukeCodewalker s module… ;)
I uploaded my Project MMM-WetteralarmCH now! If somebody can help me with the problem of using both modules (MMM-WetteralarmCH and. MMM-DWD-WarnWeather) at the same time i gonna update my Project again.
Thanks to everybody for helping me!
Sorry for being absent so long. Busy times in the moment :) but I’m glad to see that you’ve got it working. :thumbsup:
@LukeCodewalker thanks! But I still need a Solution to don’t Crash your Module while both modules are running at the same time… Let me know when you have more time to talk about that topic 😉