A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@ianperrin thx so much!!! Works fine, looks amazing!
My Strava module needs to be re-authorised every few days or at least once a week. I’m not sure what is causing this. Has anyone else had a similar issue?
Can we aggregate virtual ride together with ride for the mirror?
Great app @ianperrin. Looks slick on the mirror too!
@ianperrin i use Strava module for my mirror but recently Strava update api and now I have the message : 429 limits exceed. I changed reloadinterval to 15601000 and updateinterval to 60*1000 but still the same message.
Have you an idea ?
Thx for next answer -
@MisterT 60*1000 is every minute,
1440 times a day