Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-CalendarExt3 BST Timezone issue
I will have to pick this up again tomorrow. i will run the debug when i get home from work.
is there anything I am looking for in particular? -
@shall_ because there is a rrule
the string
dates: …
documents the dates returned from the rrule.between function… yesterday plus 1 year
is the window we create to get recurring events -
CX3 doesn’t parse ics file directly, so probably the default calendar app (or any event provider) must have responsibility.But for an instant solution, you can use
orevent payload
to make a hotfix by force./* in your CX3 module config */ preProcessor: (event) => { if (["SomeCalendarName", "AnotherCalendarName"].includes(event.calendarName)) { event.startDate = Number(event.startDate) - 1000 * 60 * 60 event.endDate = Number(event.endDate) - 1000 * 60 * 60 } return event }
If all your calendar has that issue, you can omit if statement.
preProcessor: (event) => { event.startDate = Number(event.startDate) - 1000 * 60 * 60 event.endDate = Number(event.endDate) - 1000 * 60 * 60 return event }
@MMRIZE Thanks for your reply.
The timed calendar events with a start/finish time show the correct time with no issue.The issue solely lies with all-day and multi-day events.
All of these events during DST showed correctly, as soon as the timezone changed to BST. They now all rollover into the following day, so my 5 day events are now 6 days, 2 days are now 3, single days 2. -
Can you send me the ics file? ( -
@MMRIZE i have emailed it over
Is MagicMirror installed directly to your Pi, or are you running it inside a Docker or other container? I originally had a similar problem with my MM configs all set properly, and my system time set properly, but for some reason I needed to also force the Docker container to the correct timezone with environment variables in the docker-compose file:
environment: - TZ=America/Los Angeles - SET_CONTAINER_TIMEZONE=true - CONTAINER_TIMEZONE=America/Los_Angeles
Obviously you’d want a different timezone, and you’re probably running MM on your Pi without using Docker, but maybe it’ll help.
@shall_ @alaric10000
It happens when the event is regarded as FulldayEvent but not to start at 0 O’clock. I updated the module to fix it.
Update the module and check it. -
Finally I found what was wrong.
The issue lies in the wrong parsing logic from the default calendar module about repeated full-day events with TimeZone by RRULE.
If you have installed CX3 v1.8.2, Reinstall again or back to 1.8.1 (I rolled back again to 1.8.1)
Then see this; -
@MMRIZE but… for full day, you ignore the time… or reset it to 00:00:00