Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-OpenWeatherForecast - loading issue
I tried to find simple way to solve the problem, but Search returns tons of posts and I’ve no clue, whichone is the correct. I know, that there is change in API, so - what I’ve did:so new API associated with card
module: "MMM-OpenWeatherForecast", position: "top_right", //header: "Forecast", config: { apiBaseURL: "", apikey: "api_key", //Home_MM Api latitude: 50.757690, //number works here longitude: 15.033640, //so does a string iconset: "5c", language: "cz", colored: true, concise: true, weatherEndpoint: '/onecall', apiVersion: '3.0', //requestDelay: "2000", showFeelsLikeTemp: true } },
3) I've generated new key  but MM just "loading"  questions: do you see any error in Code? How do I find, if the new key is 3.0 or old (in the list of keys)? Thanks and sorry fo english Z
I had to change the node_helper.js to call the right api moet in node_helper.js (3.0 instead of 2.5)
sudo nano node_helper.js//make request to OpenWeather One Call API
// var url = "" +
var url = "" +This solution works for me
hmm, some pics doesn’t upload, so “loading”
and list of keys -
@zdenek take off the apiBase, let us handle that
@sdetweil done, but nothing changed - still “loading”
I am facing the exact same challenge.
Also followed the guidance as you did.So, you are not alone…which makes me think if there might be an issue on openweathermap since everbody is hammering their API with their tests this weekend?
I am also having issues with the module being stuck on loading. In looking at the the debugging (ctrl+shift+i) when magic mirror is up I do get a 404 error for communicating to openweather. I have not changed any settings and do not have a line in my config file with the api base url. Other than that, I’m in the same boat as OP where I signed up to get the free API 3.0 and generated a new key… just can’t get anything working.
@Como 3.0 apikey requires a credit card. today first 1000 api calls are not charged
@Como 404 is not found, so the api url is incorrect
@Como openweather changed their business model, only the 3.0 api is available. any 2.5 api requests will fail
I realize that the api 3.0 is required. I mentioned I signed up for it as seen below.
I also generated a new key which is showing as active. So unless I’m generating keys that are no longer allowed per openweather (which I wouldn’t think is possible), then I’m not sure what the problem is.