Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I just had an idea and checked the console for ext2 messages…CX3_shared.mjs:155 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: symbol.match is not a function at CX3_shared.mjs:155:32 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at renderSymbol (CX3_shared.mjs:151:18) at renderEventAgenda (CX3_shared.mjs:256:3) at drawAgenda (MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:362:22) at Class.draw (MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:500:11) at Class.getDom (MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda.js:189:16) at main.js:132:35 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at updateDom (main.js:112:10)
is shown there if I comment the named lines …
- I will double check.
In addition there is a “[CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.”
Warning - this seems to be an already resolved issue?
I’ve installed the modules within the current week and just tried to “git pull” - "already up to date! … -
@rkorell said in MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda:
In addition there is a “[CX3A] Module is not prepared yet, wait a while.”
its just a warning/informational message… doesn’t cause a problem
@sdetweil O.K., thanks!
For Your Information:
as per Sam’s tip I will ignore the “not prepared” message.
For the described problem I’ve chosen the “hard” (not nice) approach:
I’ve eliminated the “intelligent” approach to set color and symbol with a functional design and have “hard” coded evere single condition.- Not brillant, but: works.
- For my perception it is even much faster to load.
in the washup with this I finally also resolved my color problem (described in an other thread) with two very simple CSS modifications - the given guidance led to no result, I’ve T&E’rrored
.CX3A .event .title { color: var(--calendarColor); } .CX3A .event .time { color: var(--calendarColor); }
as the appropriate items to set the color for singl events to the icon color.
The “hard” variant of my X3A module is now as folelows:
{ module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda", position: "top_left", //header: "Wichtige Termine", config: { eventTransformer: (ev) => { if ("Restmüll") !== -1) {ev.isFullday = [true], ev.color = "grey" } if ("Papier") !== -1) {ev.isFullday = [true], ev.color = "blue"} if ("Gelber Sack") !== -1) {ev.isFullday = [true],ev.color = "yellow"} if ("Biomüll") !== -1) {ev.isFullday = [true],ev.color = "black"} if ("Restmüll & Papier & Gelber Sack") !== -1) {ev.isFullday = [true],ev.title = "Alle Tonnen",ev.color = "fuchsia"} if ("Reise") !== -1) {ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-briefcase" ],ev.color = "cyan" } if ("Arzt") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-user-doctor" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Grillen") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-grill-hot" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Flug") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-plane" ], ev.color = "Gold" } if ("Urlaub") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-plane" ], ev.color = "Gold" } if ("Krankenhaus") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-hospital" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Fahrt") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-car" ], ev.color = "cyan" } if ("Auto") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-car" ], ev.color = "cyan" } if ("Hochzeit") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-heart" ], ev.color = "Gold" } if ("Hochzeitstag") !== -1) { ev.isFullday = [true], ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-heart" ], ev.color = "Gold" } if ("Abendessen") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-utensils" ], ev.color = "yellow" } if ("Restaurant") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-utensils" ], ev.color = "yellow" } if ("Geburtstag") !== -1) { ev.isFullday = [true], ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-birthday-cake" ], ev.color = "green" } if ("Workshop") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-screwdriver-wrench" ], ev.color = "white" } if ("Service") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-screwdriver-wrench" ], ev.color = "green" } if ("Friseur") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-scissors" ], ev.color = "white" } if ("Rad") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-biking" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Fahrrad") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-biking" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Zahnarzt") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-fa-tooth" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Arzt") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-stethoscope" ], ev.color = "red" } if ("Kino") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-film" ], ev.color = "blue" } if ("Film") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-film" ], ev.color = "blue" } if ("Training") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-book" ], ev.color = "cyan" } if ("Party") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-ticket-simple" ], ev.color = "green" } if ("Theater") !== -1) { ev.symbol = [ "fa-solid fa-ticket-simple" ], ev.color = "green" } return ev }, // end Eventtransformer // useWeather: false , showMiniMonthCalendar: false, //onlyEventDays: 10 -- Nur Tage mit terminen anzeigen ist in der custom.css eingetragen, DAS funktioniert... endDayIndex: 30, } // end config CalenderExt3Agenda }, // End module CalenderExt3Agenda
It would be nice if I can get some information regarding background of the errors described above…