Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 and MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call
I think it is something with the syntax, maybe it has changed somehow in python3, or a wrong set “,” or “;” so the modulescript could not run correct, but it is enough to let the module almost run as expected.
For that I have not enough experience to figure that out.Would be nice if there were the possebility of a testing enviroment for MS-Windows, so that I could test the scripts. For editing I could use VS-Code.
@xIExodusIx said in MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 and MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call:
testing enviroment for MS-Windows,
For Python you can use this …
Ralf -
Hi Ralf,
I found out that the correct entry for handle “blocked calls” is “10”, not “4”, I found that on “”
Slowly I understand how the module works and what the entire entries do, but without understandig the syntax and how to code. I will not come further.Regards
Carsten -
Dear Carsten,quick question: For several reasons yesterday I had checked the log files during startup of my MagicMirror.
Unfortunately there is an error related to your pimped module:
[ERROR] ERROR! Could not find main module js file for MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3_drtorchwood
The module works (!?) but may there is something that don’t work?
Is there a submodule which is not loaded to git?
Thanks for any hint!
@rkorell said in MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 and MMM-Callmonitor-Current-Call:
Hi Ralf,
I have searched all my log-files in “.pm2/logs/” for that string, but I didn’t find anything related to that error. I don’t have this error in my pm2 log-files.
Are there more log-files I can check, if so where can I find them?
I’m sure you have checked your MagicMirror/config/config.js if there is a type missmatch.Reguards
Carrsten -
@xIExodusIx It’s in the PM2 logs, yes.
I guess you have some code parked in an additional file “py3_drtorchwood” which is present on your system but not on mine …
especially drtorchwood isn’t present on my system at all.
Will dig into code lateron …
Thanks for your double check.Regards,
Ralf -
Hi Ralf,
sorry it took a while to answer, what I did until now is:
I updated python on my raspberry pi 4 bookworm 64bit, to python 3.13.2 and I overworked the module MMM-FRITZ-Box Callmonitor-py3, it now handles almost all unwanted (blocked) calls, that are in your FritzBox callist for blocked calls, and shows them in the callist on your MM2.
But it can’t handle blocked numbers that are in the “area list”, that means numbers that begins with e.g. 0031* (+31*) all numbers from, in this example, Netherlands, they appear as “SIP:ownnumber” with a red X in the callist of your MM2. I can’t find out how to fetch the whole correct number that ist displayed in the FritzBox gui under incomming calls.
And I can’t find out how to let the alert “Incomming Call” disappear for that blocked calls.
Everything else should work as expected, for me it does.Regards,
Carsten -
Carsten, as you stated, you cannot code - than this is really awsome!!!
Did you maanage as well to let the message box disappear whan call is in progress?Do you have pushed your modified code to github?
To my last posting: In fact there is NO occurance of “py3_drtorchwood” in ANY of my files …
So I will simply ignore the error message.Warmest regards and chapeau !!!
Hi Ralf,
Yes the message box disappears now when a call is in progress, and no I did not push my modificated code to github by now.
But sadly I can’t find out how to let the massage box disapper when a call is incomming that will be blocked. So the message box is displayed over hours on the screen, to let it disappear I have to connect to my MM2 using “RealVNC Viewer” and mouseclick on the message box, then it disappears. This is not satisfying.With the update of python to version 3.13.2 I made a failure, that was not a good idea, so I have to reinstall my MM2 from scratch, what I’m doing right now. If this is done and all runs like I want again, I will push my modified code to githup. If this is done I will inform you.
I will continue to work on the module to eliminate the last few problems. I hope I can do it.
As I said I can’t code was and is this the truth, all I have done is to try to copy existing code lines change them a little bit and paste it where I thought it could be the right place, then pushed the entirely .js file up to my MM2 and tested it. If it doesn’t work I tried an other way and tested it again. So all I do is “Try and Error”, not really coding! But VSCode helps a lot.
Carsten -
Hi Ralf,
I just pushed up my reworked version of the module “MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3” to github.
I hope it works for you too.Regards