Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Question about building the mirror frame
Hey guys, I had a simple question for which I have not been able to find an answer in the forum or the internet. Everyone I see builds the frame with 2 parts. The first part (outer frame) is the one that is polished and the one that you see. The second part (inner frame) is the one that is used to hold the monitor and other components.
My question is cant I build a frame with just one part? Can I take 1.5" x 1.5" wooden piece and make an L shape groove and join them together so that I dont have an inner and outer frame?Here is an example of the two frames. Inner frame, outer frame and a curious doggo.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve with a single piece of wood .
Would it work? Would it have issues supporting the mirror and the monitor?
I use two pieces of 3/4 pine to hold in the mirror and monitor so you should be fine using those.
@cowboysdude Thanks!
Pre-drill your holes first! :)
@cowboysdude Holes for? Sorry not much of a handyman :(
I’m assuming that you are using it on the back side of your frame to hold everything in…
@cowboysdude Yes…So you mean the holes for adding the L shaped latch?