Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Weather forecast from current location/calendar location
I can’t help you with that, i’m a noob in coding JS. but i think first of all is to look if there is an GPS module you can use for the raspberry
@EoinOG I made something similar to what you want. It takes a GPS location from your phone and updates a webpage that the raspberry pulls in and give you weather in that location.
This is amazing. Thanks so much @mochman. Is there any more documentation anywhere to guide me through installing it?
@EoinOG I can make some up for you. How far have you gotten with the installation?
I’ve installed the module. But don’t know where to go from here with regards the configuration of it.
I updated this module page with a step-by-step’ish guide on how to install and configure the module. Let me know if you run into any issues.
Since the module pulls lat/long data in JSON format from a file, you could just manually edit that file to update your location. This is in case you don’t want to use the GPS tracker on your phone.
What this means is that if you want to tweak the code, you could just have a file on your raspberry pi, or somewhere else on your home network that the lat/long is pulled from instead of setting up a website.