Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Problem with Weather forecast
@Sp4M Good work! :)
Yes it looks better now
For me only 2 forecasts are visible. How can I show more ? -
Oh, I was pleased to early.
It is repeating now the two forecasts ?
see attachment
Hi it’s even worse.
the two forecast are repeated endless -
Try to increase the maxNumberOfDays parameter.
Actually maxNumberOfDays = 2 means “2 slices of time” and not 2 days with this api, as I said in my first posts (eg: 1 day = 8 x 3h)
Maybe it will be better by simple use maxNumberOfDays x 8 in the source code -
This corrected version should works with the real maxNumberOfDays (=5 for example)/* global Module */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: WeatherForecast * * By Michael Teeuw * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register("weatherforecast",{ // Default module config. defaults: { location: false, locationID: false, appid: "", units: config.units, maxNumberOfDays: 5, showRainAmount: false, updateInterval: 10 * 60 * 1000, // every 10 minutes animationSpeed: 1000, timeFormat: config.timeFormat, lang: config.language, fade: true, fadePoint: 0.25, // Start on 1/4th of the list. colored: false, initialLoadDelay: 2500, // 2.5 seconds delay. This delay is used to keep the OpenWeather API happy. retryDelay: 2500, apiVersion: "2.5", apiBase: "", forecastEndpoint: "forecast", //forecast/daily appendLocationNameToHeader: true, calendarClass: "calendar", roundTemp: false, iconTable: { "01d": "wi-day-sunny", "02d": "wi-day-cloudy", "03d": "wi-cloudy", "04d": "wi-cloudy-windy", "09d": "wi-showers", "10d": "wi-rain", "11d": "wi-thunderstorm", "13d": "wi-snow", "50d": "wi-fog", "01n": "wi-night-clear", "02n": "wi-night-cloudy", "03n": "wi-night-cloudy", "04n": "wi-night-cloudy", "09n": "wi-night-showers", "10n": "wi-night-rain", "11n": "wi-night-thunderstorm", "13n": "wi-night-snow", "50n": "wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy" }, iconTableOrdered: [ "11d", "09d", "13d", "10d", "50d", "04d", "03d", "02d", "01d", "11n", "09n", "13n", "10n", "50n", "02n", "03n", "04n", "01n" ], }, // create a variable for the first upcoming calendaar event. Used if no location is specified. firstEvent: false, // create a variable to hold the location name based on the API result. fetchedLocationName: "", // Define required scripts. getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"]; }, // Define required scripts. getStyles: function() { return ["weather-icons.css", "weatherforecast.css"]; }, // Define required translations. getTranslations: function() { // The translations for the default modules are defined in the core translation files. // Therefor we can just return false. Otherwise we should have returned a dictionary. // If you're trying to build yiur own module including translations, check out the documentation. return false; }, // Define start sequence. start: function() {"Starting module: " +; // Set locale. moment.locale(config.language); this.forecast = []; this.loaded = false; this.scheduleUpdate(this.config.initialLoadDelay); this.updateTimer = null; }, // Override dom generator. getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); if (this.config.appid === "") { wrapper.innerHTML = "Please set the correct openweather <i>appid</i> in the config for module: " + + "."; wrapper.className = "dimmed light small"; return wrapper; } if (!this.loaded) { wrapper.innerHTML = this.translate("LOADING"); wrapper.className = "dimmed light small"; return wrapper; } var table = document.createElement("table"); table.className = "small"; for (var f in this.forecast) { var forecast = this.forecast[f]; var row = document.createElement("tr"); if (this.config.colored) { row.className = "colored"; } table.appendChild(row); var dayCell = document.createElement("td"); dayCell.className = "day"; dayCell.innerHTML =; row.appendChild(dayCell); var iconCell = document.createElement("td"); iconCell.className = "bright weather-icon"; row.appendChild(iconCell); var icon = document.createElement("span"); icon.className = "wi weathericon " + forecast.icon; iconCell.appendChild(icon); var maxTempCell = document.createElement("td"); maxTempCell.innerHTML = forecast.maxTemp; maxTempCell.className = "align-right bright max-temp"; row.appendChild(maxTempCell); var minTempCell = document.createElement("td"); minTempCell.innerHTML = forecast.minTemp; minTempCell.className = "align-right min-temp"; row.appendChild(minTempCell); if (this.config.showRainAmount) { var rainCell = document.createElement("td"); if (isNaN(forecast.rain)) { rainCell.innerHTML = ""; } else { if(config.units !== "imperial") { rainCell.innerHTML = forecast.rain + " mm"; } else { rainCell.innerHTML = (parseFloat(forecast.rain) / 25.4).toFixed(2) + " in"; } } rainCell.className = "align-right bright rain"; row.appendChild(rainCell); } if (this.config.fade && this.config.fadePoint < 1) { if (this.config.fadePoint < 0) { this.config.fadePoint = 0; } var startingPoint = this.forecast.length * this.config.fadePoint; var steps = this.forecast.length - startingPoint; if (f >= startingPoint) { var currentStep = f - startingPoint; = 1 - (1 / steps * currentStep); } } } return table; }, // Override getHeader method. getHeader: function() { if (this.config.appendLocationNameToHeader) { return + " " + this.fetchedLocationName; } return; }, // Override notification handler. notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { if (notification === "DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED") { if (this.config.appendLocationNameToHeader) { this.hide(0, {lockString: this.identifier}); } } if (notification === "CALENDAR_EVENTS") { var senderClasses =" "); if (senderClasses.indexOf(this.config.calendarClass.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { this.firstEvent = false; for (var e in payload) { var event = payload[e]; if (event.location || event.geo) { this.firstEvent = event; //Log.log("First upcoming event with location: ", event); break; } } } } }, /* updateWeather(compliments) * Requests new data from * Calls processWeather on succesfull response. */ updateWeather: function() { if (this.config.appid === "") { Log.error("WeatherForecast: APPID not set!"); return; } var url = this.config.apiBase + this.config.apiVersion + "/" + this.config.forecastEndpoint + this.getParams(); var self = this; var retry = true; var weatherRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true); weatherRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status === 200) { self.processWeather(JSON.parse(this.response)); } else if (this.status === 401) { self.updateDom(self.config.animationSpeed); Log.error( + ": Incorrect APPID."); retry = true; } else { Log.error( + ": Could not load weather."); } if (retry) { self.scheduleUpdate((self.loaded) ? -1 : self.config.retryDelay); } } }; weatherRequest.send(); }, /* getParams(compliments) * Generates an url with api parameters based on the config. * * return String - URL params. */ getParams: function() { var params = "?"; if(this.config.locationID) { params += "id=" + this.config.locationID; } else if(this.config.location) { params += "q=" + this.config.location; } else if (this.firstEvent && this.firstEvent.geo) { params += "lat=" + + "&lon=" + this.firstEvent.geo.lon } else if (this.firstEvent && this.firstEvent.location) { params += "q=" + this.firstEvent.location; } else { this.hide(this.config.animationSpeed, {lockString:this.identifier}); return; } params += "&units=" + this.config.units; params += "&lang=" + this.config.lang; /* * Submit a specific number of days to forecast, between 1 to 5 days. * The OpenWeatherMap API properly handles values outside of the 1 - 5 range and returns 5 days by default. * This is simply being pedantic and doing it ourselves. */ params += "&cnt=" + ((this.config.maxNumberOfDays < 1 || this.config.maxNumberOfDays > 5) ? 5 : this.config.maxNumberOfDays)*8; params += "&APPID=" + this.config.appid; return params; }, /* processWeather(data) * Uses the received data to set the various values. * * argument data object - Weather information received form */ processWeather: function(data) { var days_forecast = []; this.fetchedLocationName = + ", " +; this.forecast = []; for (var i = 0, count = data.list.length; i < count; i++) { let forecast = data.list[i]; let day = forecast.dt_txt.split(" ")[0]; if (!(day in days_forecast)) days_forecast[day] = {"dt":[], "icon":[], "temp":[]}; days_forecast[day].dt.push(forecast.dt); days_forecast[day].icon.push([0].icon); days_forecast[day].temp.push(forecast.main.temp_min); days_forecast[day].temp.push(forecast.main.temp_max); } for (let i in days_forecast) { let min = days_forecast[i].temp.reduce((previous, current) => current = previous < current ? previous : current); let max = days_forecast[i].temp.reduce((previous, current) => current = previous > current ? previous : current); let icon = days_forecast[i].icon.reduce((previous, current) => current = this.config.iconTableOrdered.indexOf(previous) < this.config.iconTableOrdered.indexOf(current) ? previous : current); this.forecast.push({ day: moment(days_forecast[i].dt[0], "X").format("ddd"), icon: this.config.iconTable[icon], maxTemp: this.roundValue(min), minTemp: this.roundValue(max) // rain: this.roundValue(forecast.rain) }); } //Log.log(this.forecast);, {lockString:this.identifier}); this.loaded = true; this.updateDom(this.config.animationSpeed); }, /* scheduleUpdate() * Schedule next update. * * argument delay number - Milliseconds before next update. If empty, this.config.updateInterval is used. */ scheduleUpdate: function(delay) { var nextLoad = this.config.updateInterval; if (typeof delay !== "undefined" && delay >= 0) { nextLoad = delay; } var self = this; clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); this.updateTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.updateWeather(); }, nextLoad); }, /* ms2Beaufort(ms) * Converts m2 to beaufort (windspeed). * * see: * * * * argument ms number - Windspeed in m/s. * * return number - Windspeed in beaufort. */ ms2Beaufort: function(ms) { var kmh = ms * 60 * 60 / 1000; var speeds = [1, 5, 11, 19, 28, 38, 49, 61, 74, 88, 102, 117, 1000]; for (var beaufort in speeds) { var speed = speeds[beaufort]; if (speed > kmh) { return beaufort; } } return 12; }, /* function(temperature) * Rounds a temperature to 1 decimal or integer (depending on config.roundTemp). * * argument temperature number - Temperature. * * return number - Rounded Temperature. */ roundValue: function(temperature) { var decimals = this.config.roundTemp ? 0 : 1; return parseFloat(temperature).toFixed(decimals); } });
So nice work guys! If somebody else can merge your changes with my PR or pushed other PR with theses changes go ahead.
I’ll prefer to keep the same behavior if API not get 401
Thanks @roramirez
Unfortunately it seems that daily API will not come back on the free version (and I guess that 99% percent of MM users use the free version of openweather)I created a pull request with the code I posted.
Hm, with this version the module doesn’t come up at all ??
Where should I configure the parameter maxNumberOfDays ??
Btw I have a free acount on openweather -
Sorry it was my mistake.
The modul seems to work.
I think I copied it in a wrong way.