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Communication from node helper to module: Taking too long
Hi All
I have noticed one pattern while calling sendSocketNotification method of node helper i.e
About 6-7 secs are getting consumed from sendSocketNotification in node helper to socketNotificationReceived in Module
And this is happening across all modules which are present in Magic Mirror
This is resulting in very slow response in Magic Mirror
Has anyone faced such issue? My wifi network is fine as myother api calls are happening fine
@sharmmoh1983 Well that can be due to so many modules all making the same call.
It will tend to show a small delay as it processes them as quickly as it possibly can.
No only one module is making the call
Which module or are you just talking about ‘a’ module in general?
I am talking about two modules in magic mirror which are having node helpers and issue is happening in both of them while communicating from node helper to their respective modules
Which 2? Depending on what info they are calling for could be the delay
I am calling :
self.sendSocketNotification(‘SONUS’, sonus);
socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
}It is taking seven seconds from Node helper to Module